Chapter 1

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The night was cold, dark, and dim. The small town of Hallowsteen was excited for tonight was once again Halloween. Every year Hallowsteen was mysterious and frightful during this time of year. Some love to play tricks, others to go trick or treating. Whatever the case was in Hallowsteen, everyone was doing something on this night. This year, Halloween made its way into the night as a small child ran down the street. He heard other children laughing behind him as his feet made his pace pick up into a faster run as he came to the door of the Inn and tried to open it. He struggled as his feet where lifted up by the pull on the other side of the door. 

"Come on, Phillip. It's almost story time and you're goofing off again, or should I say 'late' again."    Stanley said annoyed as Phillip managed to put his feet back on the ground. 

"S-sorry." Phillip said trying to catch his breath as he looked up at his old brother. 

The two brothers came to a fireplace as they walked more into the Inn and saw a few others waiting for story time to begin.  

"Here we are." 

"Hello, hello everyone!" Abigale said. 

"Sorry Miss Gale." Phillip said sitting on the floor defeated as his brother gave him a face. 

"Oh Phillip its alright, here." 

She said handing him his favorite candy in his hand as he took it with joy. He quickly unwrapped it and threw it in his mouth and began to chew on the small delight. 

"Alright tonight's story time is about the headless horsemen."


 "And the headless horsemen still rides to this night. But do not worry, for he doesn't show his face in the light. Only the dark."

"Oh, thank the stars." Phillip said as he sat around the floor with about ten or twenty unwrapped candy and chocolate wrappers. 

"Phillip if you eat anymore mom is going to kill me!" Stanley said cleaning up his mess and helping him up off the floor. 

"Alright, time for you children to head on home. It's getting late." Abigale said waving goodbye to all of the children and put her book away back into its home with all the others. 

She gave a sigh and her gaze caught a glimpse of the outside world. She thought to herself and wondered why Halloween was always was a question mark to her and her family. She saw the timeless and yet charming castle up on the hill. She still had so many questions to what had happened there. Was it the night making her feel like this, or was it someone? 

"I wonder..." She said to try to shush her thoughts, but she just was getting lost staring longer out the window. 

"Abigale, please." She heard a voice say her name.  

She turned her head then her body followed, Victor. 

"Calm down Victor, I'm just looking out the window. I'm not kissing it." 

"Well I can do the second one with you."  He chuckled. 

She rolled her eyes and automatically lost interest as soon as she started to talk to him. 

"Victor, I told you a million times. I don't feel the same way about you do with me." 

"I know. I know, yet you should give me a chance. I can offer you so much. After all, I am one of the richest people in Hallowsteen besides you lovely."  

"Victor, we're friends. please keep it that way." She said walking over to her coat and placing it over herself. 

"Well let me walk you home at least." 

"Goodnight Victor." She said quickly walking out of the Inn before he could say another word to her. 

She knew Victor since they where kids. Her parents and family wished they would get married when she had turned  eight-teen, yet she wanted to do more with her life. She wanted to marry, but she wanted to marry for love rather then money. Yet her parents never wanted her to be happy, just taken cared of.  Victor was a nice friend, yet she couldn't see him as a husband. He didn't really value their friendship like she did. She gave a sigh and went for a walk and took the sights of Hallowsteen. She gave a smile as children trick or treated, but her smile quickly turned into a frown as she kept walking. Abigale was and only child with no one, but her mind and soul to keep her company.  Her mother and father where always to caught up in work to play with her or do anything when they had free time on their hands. She followed the wind and leaves up to the lonely, dark castle that sat up on the high peek of the hill. The higher she walked up there, it got colder and colder. Her breath became like a dragon's as she came to the top of the hill and found herself at the gate. She looked upon the devilish palace of darkness and placed one of her hands on the cold metal bars of the gate. The castle stared back at her knowing that she was in the presence of someone else as well. She wondered how the owner locked themselves away from the world. The stories and what she was told where two different things. He was heartbroken and lost by humanity as they feared something like him. She wanted to know more, and she couldn't help but care. That was the problem with Abigale. She cared too much in her life and sometimes people took advantage of that for something else. She gave a defeated sigh as she stood there for awhile till her nose started to tint purple at the top. 

"Gale?" She heard a soft, mild voice say behind her.  

She also felt a hand slowly come onto her shoulder. She turned her head and saw Kasey Kibble. Kasey was Abigale's only friend besides Victor. Abigale's family was the proud founders of their town.  Which it was Abigale's turn in her life when she turned twenty-one to be the owner and keep the town running. Kasey was always there for her, almost like a sister to her.  She always protected her from trouble whether it was her parents or Victor, Kasey was there. 

"You know you're not suppose to be up here." Kasey said already freaking out as she said jumping to every sound she heard. 

"I know, I know. I-I-I Just wanted to s-see him."  She said giving a small sneeze and looking at Kasey then back at the castle. 

"Come on Gale, let's get you home before you get sick for the next week or so. It's scary up here." 

"I find it rather intriguing and beautiful." 

"sure, sure you do. come on Victor will kill me." 

"Oh please, your brother is one to jump to conclusions way to quickly. Plus I am the town keeper and mayor."  She said giving another sneeze. 

"Yes. which also means I'm your best friend and assistant, and by being both of those I have to make sure you're okay. Okay?" 


"Good now get your head out of the clouds and get you some tea. Your nose is getting purple." She said as she started leading me down the hill as I turned my head once more to get a last look at the castle as a saw Thomas in the front window with a frown on his face then went back from behind the drapes of the window and he was gone. And I with one more question on my mind, was He also watching me as well?  

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