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I looked over to where my clock was at to see the time. 2:23 AM. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. 

“Whats up girls?” I asked. “I went out to use the bathroom and I saw someone knock on the door” Sophie said. “Um ok. Hold on” I said. I got up slowly and looked out the window to see heavy rain. This is when I started to take in my surroundings. I noticed how hard it was raining and how panicked the girls looked. How dark it was and how cold it was. I walked over and grabbed a hoodie. 

“Want one? Its pretty cold out” I asked. They both nodded and picked one out. The three of us walked out into the living room. I turned off all of the lights in the house. 

“What are you doing y/n?” Sophie asked. “Just go with it Soph” Jenny said. I made sure all of the lights were off and grabbed a bag from my room. Inside the bag were my car keys, wallet, and other random things. 

“I have an idea girls” I said. They looked at each other and then me. “Sophie grab as many blankets as you can carry. Jenny do the same but with pillows and follow me” I said. They looked confused but nodded and went to do what I had said. After their arms were full I grabbed a few more of each thing, opened the front door and lead the girls to the car. They stuffed the blankets and pillows into the car and jumped in. We were only in the car for a few minutes before we realized that we forgot the girls backpacks. 

We turned straight around. Thankfully we werent that far from the house. When I pulled in I saw a random car in my driveway. I made sure to lock the girls in the car. I went into the house to find their bags. The second I opened the door I knew someone had been in the house. There were wet footprints and marks leading to my room where a photo of us all from halloween was now on the ground. The frame was broken. My bedroom window was slightly open just like I left it. I went into the kitchen to see missing knives. That worried me. The windows in the bathroom were still locked but some of my medicine was missing. I checked all over quickly ruling things out and came to this conclusion…

They were still inside the house

Jack Walten x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now