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I was nervous about telling Jack and Felix what happened last night but I know I have to. I was sitting in the car with the girls. We were planning to drive all day and some of tomorrow since I have them all weekend. They wanted to check out a bunch of random shops and I was all for it.

“Where are we going now?” Sophie asked. “Maybe Detroit?” I said. She nodded. “What are you writing Sophie?” Jenny asked. “Something for a class” She said. “I get that but what is it stupid?” Jenny laughed. “A suMmArY of our WeEkeNd” Sophie said. Presumably mocking her teacher. I laughed to myself. Sophie and Jenny continued talking about school and drama and annoying teachers.

“Mr. James is SUCH an asshole!” Sophie said. “I know I can’t believe he said that to you in front of the whole class” Jenny said. “What did he say?” I asked. “He called me a-” Sophie started. “A slur” Jenny finished. I rolled my eyes. “How do teachers get away with this shit?” I asked to nobody in particular. The girls agreed. “Ok. Snack check?” I asked. “Uhh half a bag of doritos” Jenny said. “Thats all?” I asked. “Yeah” She said. “Ok. I need to get gas anyway” I said, looking at the fuel gauge. I pull off of the highway and into a gas station to get gas and more snacks. 

“Y/n do you want anything?” Sophie asked. “Yeah can you grab (favourite snack)” I said. Handing her my money. “Drink?” She asked. I smiled. “Yeah (favourite drink)” I said. She smiled and ran into the gas station with Jenny. They came out with a few bags of chips and some drink bottles. I was sitting in the car when they came out. We separated snacks and got ready to keep going. It was lightly sprinkling when we left the gas station. About 20 minutes later we reached Detroit city lines. I knew exactly where to go. After driving for a little bit longer I reached the little shop I wanted to show them.

“Ok. This is one of my favourite shops. It has all kinds of band tees and posters like the ones in my house” I said. They were excited. We all got out of the car and made our way inside. Sophie quickly found an AC/DC shirt she liked while Jenny saw a poster with the album cover for Abbey Road by The Beatles.

“Y/n!” Sophie said. I walked over. “What’s up Sophie?” I asked. “Wanna get matching band tees?” She asked. “Of course! What band were you thinking?” I asked. “The Ramones or Siouxsie Sioux and the Banshees?” She asked. “Why not both” I said. She smiled and we grabbed the shirts. Jenny wanted the three of us to get matching bracelets so we found some and Sophie and Jenny got matching posters. After checking out we made our way back into the car. It was about 4 pm. We made our way towards the Indiana border and of course stopping occasionally on the way. It took a little over 4 hours to make it there. We stopped in Lafayette and visited one last place before finding something for dinner. We ended up at Chilis. The girls wanted chicken strips so we got some. After the waiter left Sophie pulled out her notebook. 

“So where are we now?” She asked. “Lafayette, Indiana” I said. “How do you spell that?” They both asked. They laughed. “What part?” I asked. “Both” Jenny said. “L-A-F-A-Y-E-T-T-E space I-N-D-I-A-N-A” I said. “Thank you” Sophie said. The two of them began scribbling words down into their books. “Can I read it?” I asked. “Yeah but only if you check my grammar” Sophie said. “You’re on child” I said. Sophie handed me the book.

Sophie Walten

November 10th - November 13th

My Weekend

I spent my weekend on a road trip with my dad’s girlfriend y/n. She picked Jenny and me up on Friday after school. We spent the rest of the day at the beach and her house until we left for the trip. We filled her car with pillows and blankets and ate snacks. Today is Saturday. We started in Brighton and went to Midland. After stopping in Midland we went to Detroit and from Detroit we drove to Lafayette, Indiana. I’ve never been to Indiana. I’m really excited. We’re at Chilis right now. I’m not sure where we’re going next but I can’t wait to find out. Y/n always makes sure we have all the snacks we want and lets us pick music for the drive. I like to steal her clothes when I sleep over at her house. My dad lets me stay at her house whenever she doesn’t have work and it’s always really fun. Sometimes Jenny comes too. I’ll pick this up tomorrow when we go somewhere else.

Aww. That’s cute. “That’s good Sophie. The only problem is right here-” I pointed. “It should be Jenny and I” I said. “Oh ok” She fixed the small issue. We got our food and ate. We also talked as we did. The girls were excited for tomorrow and what we’re gonna do. 

“Ok girls. As much as I love sleeping in my car, I got a hotel room for tonight” I said. They smiled. “The car is not the most comfortable place for me to sleep” I laughed. “So when we’re done we can go there” I said. “Ok cool” Sophie said. “I can’t wait!” Jenny said. “What are we gonna do tomorrow?” Sophie asked. “It’s a surprise” I said. She rolled her eyes and smiled. Sophie and Jenny kept trying to figure out what we’re doing tomorrow and I kept my mouth shut. We paid the bill and went into the car. 

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