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A/N none of the one shots have anything to do with the other one shots unless stated otherwise
Angst up ahead:)

Ran was sitting by small lake that was filled with plenty of fish and roaming frogs. There weren't many people nearby which left him alone with his thoughts. What thoughts? Few of his "home" and some past jobs he had, but most of Jackie.

He was taking the time to think about him more often now that they had gotten to know each other bit more the past 4 months. What he wanted Jackie as? He wasn't sure but he wanted to decide that day, and hopefully get his way.

The sky was very clear and the sun lit the entire biome. He could hear the often buzz of bees flying back and forth between flowers and some flew into a nearby hive. If only he could do the same, have somewhere to hide, that is. But this was as close as he was going to get. A small lake and huge thoughts.

"Whatcha doing bossman?" A familiar voice came into the range of Ran's hearing. It was, without a doubt, Jackie. He had the voice of someone who knows what it's like to kill, but also the voice of someone who is very sweet to those he gets to know.

"Thinking.." 'About you' he wanted to add, but didn't have the courage to say so he left it as that. He didn't want to come off to strong and then slowly get embarrassed.

"Oh, hm. Mind if I think with you?" Jackie asked as he sat down next to Ran. It didn't seem much like a question to Ran considering Jackie didn't wait for a reassuring answer so he just hummed a yes in response.

"What do you have to think about?" Ran asked Jackie since he didn't want to sit in an uncomfortable silence.

"I don't know, just stuff. Mostly just my responsibilities as General. What about you? What's bothering you?" Jackie asked crossing his legs. Uh oh. Ran wasn't expecting that. He couldn't say he was thinking about him but saying anything else would be lying and that's not the best image.

"Nothing important, well , it's important to me but probably not for you. I mean, maybe it is but, I don't know, just figuring things out." Ran stammered on. Jackie raised a brow.

"Well bossman, lucky for you I can help!" Jackie smiled and turned to face him. "What's in your mind? Just explain as best as you can!" Ran thought for a second. Maybe it'd be healthy to get it out. But would it ruin this for him? Should he wait? Maybe, maybe not.

"Relationships, I guess." Ran mumbled. Jackie's eyes widened.

"Oh my god you like someone! I never knew you were the type to like someone Ran~" Jackie teased him and judged Ran's arm with his elbow. Ran blushed. He didn't want to rush this, even if it has been 4 months.

"I mean, I'm trying to figure out if I like them. I'm not entirely sure honestly. I think I like them, I hope I like them, but I'm scared that it might ruin progress..." Ran muttered under his breath. Jackie sighed.

"Well it's always go big or go home. Basically just go for it. It'll be good for you, I swear." Jackie smiled. It comforted Ran a bit. His smile and his advice. He decided it was worth a try.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Ran tried to smile but he was nervous to. Jackie tugged on Ran's shirt as Ran stood up, signaling he wanted him to follow him. The two were walking back to the castle together and Ran was still gathering his thoughts. He thought logically though. He thought that he would need to kill Jackie someday so the relationship might not last, so he might as well kill the feelings.

And doing it as soon as possible would probably be ideal. He felt the tip of the metal of the blade up his sleeve. He could end his feelings now. After all, Jackie was vulnerable right now, just leading him to the palace. He could do it once they reached the garden, there wouldn't be anyone there. But maybe he could have his moment before Jackie's gone forever...

"Okay, we're almost there. Just need to pass the castle garden and we're in!" Jackie looked back at Ran with a smile, but Ran seemed to be lost in thought again because he seemed a bit zoned out. "Hey bossman, you good?" Jackie tiptoed to wave his hand in Ran's face since he couldn't reach without adding a bit of height to himself.

Ran snapped out of his trancing thoughts. Jackie stood in front of him with a hint of concern on his face so he gave him a small smile, which was probably a mistake since Ran never smiles at him.

"Woah, what's that smile for? You've never smiled in the past four months we've known each other!" Jackie laughed. Ran blushed and immediately dropped the smile. It was now or never.

"You.." he said quietly. After the two stood there in silence for a good five seconds, Ran continued walking as if he could just out walk his embarrassment. Jackie caught up to him.

"Me? What do you mean me? How are you smiling for me?" Jackie was in front of Ran walking backwards and Ran tried to avoid staring into Jackie's beautiful blue eyes, but they caught him. It was too late. Jackie had caught his eye contact and surprisingly, Ran didn't feel uncomfortable. He felt... comforted. His piercing blue eyes had caught his eye contact, and Ran didn't feel weird, he felt good.

"I... don't know." Ran sat down on a nearby bench and closed his eyes in defeat. How would Jackie respond? Would he catch on? Would he catch on and confess to him? Does he even like him in that way? Disturbing his thoughts, he felt something warm press up against his arm. He instinctively opened his eyes and saw Jackie sitting next to him leaning his head on Ran's shoulder. Ran froze.

"Well the next five words you say better be 'I like you too, Jackie'." He giggled closing his eyes, relaxing his body next to Ran. Ran tensed up, but slowly got comfortable.

"I," he took a long pause, "like you too, Jackie..." Ran blushed as he let his head fall on top of Jackie's. Jackie blushed and grabbed Ran's hand. But no, Jackie needs to be dead by the order of the Council. And he can't defy the Council without getting done sort of horrible punishment. So even though he knows Jackie likes him back, they could never be together because in a few seconds, Jackie would be dead.

He brushed his arm against the blade to make sure it was still there, and it was. He started tearing up because of what he had to do next.

"Ran? You're crying." Jackie reached up and wiped a tear away from Ran's face. Ran panicked and with one swift movement, the blade plunged into Jackie. One of Ran's hands was holding the blade and the other was holding his waist and he could feel the blade on the other end of Jackie's back.

It was done, and he was gone.
this one was long-

How was your day? Hope it was great<3

Word count: 1247

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