Chapter 13

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Amelia wake up feeling warm, something or rather someone hugged her on her back. She turn slightly to have a peek,  seeing it was Theo suddenly she felt self conscious. She tried to pry his arm but it tightened even more.

Good morning!  how are you feeling? Theo ask with a hoarse voice.

Don't look at me, I must have look like a mess.  She cover her face with her hands, she might have a puffy eyes  from too much crying  last night.

Don't hide from me  Ames, you were always beautiful to me,  coaxing her to look   at him. He gently  pry  her hands but Amelia was not ready to face him, she  turn the other side instead.

Why are you here in my bed?

You don't remember? last night you asked me not to leave you.

You could have slept in the sofa.

I did, but you're mumbling and become restless so I had to lie down beside you. I've waited until you settle down but I'm too tired to get up and  fell asleep.

" all Amelia could utter while her eyes are still close and chest thumping from his nearness. His presence in her bed makes a havoc to her senses. Last night  she's not aware  that he slept beside her due to exhaustion. But comes morning, she's feeling conflicted and confused of what to do after the revelation. How are they going to move forward from their situation. After she confessed everything to Theo about the loss of their baby and the two of them shared the same pain  she feels like a huge burden has been lifted. She felt guilty for not telling him and maybe a small part of her blamed him for  what happened. Although it's been years and she learned to live with it but the pain is still there. She bore no resentment  towards him because they were both hurt. All she need now is a little respite, maybe one of these days they could sit down and talk.

A few minutes of silence and still Amelia won't face Theo so he  tried to whisper her name on her ear.

" Open your beautiful  eyes Ames, please look at me.

I can't, with quivering voice she turned her face to Theo but eyes are still shut.

Why not? Theo carress her face tenderly,  he missed doing it. He feast his eyes in exploring all the contours of her beautiful face. It's a rare chance having her near without being conflicted,  of what if she will  reject him. He is not confident enough to accept that kind of treatment from her. He wouldn't blame her though,  after what he did, he still lucky to have given this chance.  He would seize this opportunity as he promised to himself that  he would not  walk away from her ever again.

Stop staring.

How do you  know, he teased.

She blushed , aware of his scrutiny.

I want to go in the bathroom.

How can you go when your eyes are not open?

You have to get out in my room first.

Theo sighed, he accede her wishes, he don't want to rush things. Their emotion is still raw from last night.

Reluctantly,Theo started to get up when Amelia said thank you.

Your welcome, I'll see you downstairs. You didn't eat anything last night. I will tell the chef to prepare your favorites.

" Okay".

Theo went to his room to  freshen up. While in the shower, he was struck again by the painful truth of losing their baby he know nothing of for so many years. He punched the bathroom tile, the water may washed   his tears but the pain will never go away. It will forever etched in his heart. He thought how brave Amelia was, suffering alone from the pain and overcome it  despite  losing the most vital part of her life. He was thankful that her family was there for her but it didn't lessen the guilt that he would carry always.

He went downstairs and headed straigth to the kitchen to tell the chef to prepare food for Amelia. When he went back to the living room everybody is there waiting. He greeted everyone with suppressed emotion.

They could see the pain lurking in his eyes, which they all understand. Andrew is the first one to give him a brotherly hug.

I'm sorry If I punched you last night, I just couldn't handle myself when I think that we almost lost Amelia because of the accident. You haven't seen her man fighting for her life. It's a double tragedy when the doctor informed us of what happened that she lost her baby. We didn't even know that she was pregnant and  who the father was. Can't you blame me? You know how much we love her but we failed to protect her. Do you know how awful it made us feel that there's no one on her side when the times she needed us most?

I know and I ask everyone's forgiveness. I should have been there also, I would bear this guilt for the rest of my life. I would understand if you hate me  because I myself wouldn't be able to  forgive  if something happened to Amelia.

As Amelia's parents we are the first one to blame because we didn't take good care of her.

Why is everyone looked so serious?  Amelia announcing her presence and bestowing them a happy smile.

Are you alright? ask Amanda.

I'm fine Mom, I sorry if I made you worry, she hugged her mother .

Don't do stupid things again baby sis, Mark give her a conspirational wink.

Don't say that to your sister Mark, David scold his son.

Amelia just happy seeing her brother being scolded by her Dad, he was sulking like a  boy and she stick her tongue out playfully.

Theo's mood is lifted seeing Amelia having a banter with her brother. He was worried tha she still  feeling sad, he forgot how strong she was.

Now that everyone is here, why don't we go to the dining and have breakfast, I'm sure Amelia is hungry since she didn't eat anything last night, suggested Andrew.

Thank you brother for that reminder, I'm starving, see? you could practically hear my  stomach growling, she exaggerates.

A grateful smile appeared on Theo's face as he see everyone is trying to uplift the atmosphere. This is a family love that he longed for, the value of a a family that would stick together through thick and thin and he was glad for being part of it.

The table is laid with all of Amelia's favorites. Wow! the chef outdid today. Her mouth watered seeing there's fritatta, ricotta pancakes, cannoli, and steaming thick hot chocolate.

You have Theo to thank for that, Mark said. He ordered the chef to cook all your favorite  dish.

I didn't know you added italian to your likes, Andrew teased.

Her parents were amused, seeing her flustered.

Amelia blushed, avoiding eye contact from Theo. So he still remember the food I like she thought, she is secretly delighted.

Here, Theo handed her the ricotta pancakes.

She thanked him, their hands touched. The jolt of awareness is palpable between them. Luckily everyone is busy tucking their meals so no one noticed or else Amelia would be embarassed being caught by her entire family having a flirtation with Theo.

After having finished their  breakfast, David suggested that they would go on  yachting which everyone agreed since it's sunday.

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