[7] Nagging feeling.

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Ant's POV
Thank god!

He's alive...he's well! He's a lot better than I thought he would be.

But I have this nagging feeling...it won't go away. It's eating away at me, and I have to get it out.

It's not my fault, is it? I hope it isn't my fault...

We pulled up to the hospital about half an hour ago. I'm in the waiting room, I have to wait here whilst they fix him up. His family and his friends have all been contacted. And I'm just sat here...waiting for my best friend to come back.

They said everything looks good, that he should be ok. But I have this feeling that he won't. That something is wrong.

I walk up to the receptionist.

"Ey, when do you think I'll be able to see Declan again? I 'avent seen him since the ambulance and its stressing me out a little.

The receptionist looks at me with a sympathetic look.

"I'll buzz into the room to get an update on the situation right now, Mr Mcpartlin. Thank you for being patient."

I feel like she just put me on hold.

She buzzes into Dec's room.

"Hello? This is reception. We would like an update on the situation of a Declan Donnelly please?"

"Denise, do you mind plugging the headset in?" The muffled voice from the speakers questions.

"Oh, of course!"

The receptionist, Denise, signals one minute to me before plugging in the headset and saying "Right, all plugged in. What's going on, Alice?"

I sit down next to the desk, biting my nails in worry. What is he's dead? I hurt him, I hurt my baby. I hurt my boy...I hurt my man. I wasn't ready for a relationship yet, and I knew it. I jumped straight in with both feet and now I'm stuck in the mud.

"Oh my lord..." Denise whispers. "I'll tell him right away."

Denise unplugs the headset then disconnects from the buzz-in.

"Mr Mcpartlin...will you please follow me?"
Her upset and sympathetic tone suggests something is wrong. Something has happened to my Deccy.

Once we arrived in the private consultation room, Denise looked me straight in the eye.
"It's not good news, I'm afraid sir. "
"Dec...he's in a coma."

I sink onto my knees on the floor.

I can't stop the tears from running down my face.

It's like there has been a river of emotions, and there has been a dam holding them all back.

But now the dam has just cracked and collapsed, and all my emotions have come out in a rush.

The light is too bright...the ticking of the clock on the wall is driving me crazy.

"TAKE ME TO SEE HIM!" I yell, without realising how loud I am.

"Calm down please, Sir."

I breathe in and out slowly. Control. Control is what I need. In for 3, out for 5. And repeat. And repeat. And my heart rate slows down. I've got it under control.

"Take me to see him. Please." I say, this time being aware of my volume.

"If you would follow me, sir, I could show you where his room is."

"Oh please do."

Denise walks out of the door and through various stairways. I follow her, without really paying attention to where I am going. I hate hospitals. The smell of sanitation...the cleanliness. The throbbing scent of antibacterial solution, surrounding you. The whiteness. The lack of colour. The formality. The smell of sickliness. The thought that right now, someone in the same building as you could be on the brink of death. And when you know that person...it's just heartbreaking. And even when you don't, to think that that person is somebody's everything...somebody's love of their life...it's mindblowingly scary.

And to think that right now Dec is being kept alive by some machine...I swear to God whoever the doctor is who's in charge of Dec's life support is a legend.

Denise stops outside of a private room, obviously dedicated to the sickest patients. Dec...Dec you have GOT to be ok!

"Here we are, Mr Mcpartlin."

Oh god, oh god, oh god...what is he going to look like?

"Uh-uhm ok-k..." I stutter nervously. "C-can I go in?"

"Of course you can Mr Mcpartlin."

I take a deep breath before walking into the room, my fists clenched. I darent look at Dec as I hear my footsteps echoing around the room, and the buzzing of the light on the roof. Other than that it is completely quiet in here. I prise my eyes away from the shiny, tiled floor and look at Dec for the first time in what feels like forever.

Oh, my god! Dec...

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a/n : sorry not sorry guys, leaving you in suspense...again...next I will be updating Boy Almighty, so the next chapter on here will be after that one is posted. i haven't been posting chapters on Wattpad recently as I didn't have much motivation for writing, but that's back now yay so IM BACK !

bye bye for now ^^

𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖨 𝖶𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖴𝗉 | a. mcpartlin x d. donnellyWhere stories live. Discover now