4: The Dinner disaster

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{A/N thank you kalaiahmaw13 for your very nice comment on my last chapter and let's get back to the story I also had to change some things cause I thought it was cruel to bring Lily into this with her being a baby}

The kids are all called down for dinner

Lynn Sr.: How was everyone's day

Everyone sans Luna, Luan, and Lynn Jr.: Good/Ok/Awesome

Rita: I heard you all had a half day today

Lori: ya we literally had to come home as soon as possible cause Leni got a call from Lincoln saying he and the rest of the elementary kids didn't feel good and I knew I couldn't leave Luan Luna and Leni without anyway to get home so I took them with me then Lynn texted Luna saying she didn't feel good and the pre-school called saying Lily got paint in her hair so I had to pick her up as well

Rita: makes sense

A couple minutes go by and Everyone has spoken Everyone except Luna Luan and Lynn

Lynn Sr.: So Luna

She jumps hearing her name

Lynn Sr.: how was your day

Luna throws up the goats trying her best not to talk cause if she did she knew she would sound like a total idiot

Lynn Sr.: is everything OK sweetheart you haven't said anything tonight

Rita: neither have Luan and Lynn

The three girls look at each other and then the rest of their siblings luckily Lucy knew what to do

Lucy: Luna lost her voice singing Luan is playing mime and Lynn doesn't like talking so close to the big game

Rita and Lynn Sr. look at each other they weren't expecting their introverted daughter the one who spent 24/7 in the attic talking to her bust of Edwin to speak up for her 3 older siblings

Rita: is this true girls

Luna and Lynn nod and Luan literally zips her mouth

Lynn Sr.: Ok?

The dinner goes by and the siblings go to clean their plates

Lola: we did it thanks Lucy for helping Luna Luan and Lynn

Luna: ya thanks

Lynn Sr.: *entering the kitchen* Luna did you just say something

Luna shakes her head

Lynn Sr.: ok who wants to explain

Lincoln: we all do I guess. everyone on the count of three 1...2...3...

Everyone pulls off their wigs revealing their natural hair with a little surprise

Lori: here Luna *hands her a makeup wipe* he also might wanna see the other situation

Luna grabs the wipe and wipes off her makeup revealing the cuts and bruises from the fight earlier

Lynn Sr.: What happened to everyone's hair and why does Luna's face look like she just left a war against the British

Lincoln: we don't know what happened to our hair as for Luna some jerks just don't accept her and Sam's relationship

{I'm gonna make it to were the parents don't know about Luna being Bi so they still think Sam is a boy}

Lynn Sr.: Boys are just jealous that another man stole your heart honey

Luna: *nervous* right

Lynn Sr.: but question why did you kids dye your hair

Everyone: we didn't

Luna: but we did to get rid of them

Everyone sans Luna and LS: LUNA

Luna: What? Oh we weren't supposed to say that we're we? Dang it

Lynn Jr.: dad we only did it so that we didn't have to go to school with these mysterious colors we promise that it was our natural hair colors blonde brown white and black

Lynn Sr.: It's ok I'll let this one slide

Everyone: Thanks dad/popstar(Lana only)

Lynn Sr.: ok so one last question why was Luna the one asking the stupid question and not Leni

Lincoln: we found out when we got home that our personalities swapped somehow I got Lana's, Lori got mine, Leni got Lynn's, Luna got Leni's, Luan got Lisa's, Lynn got Luan's, Lucy got Lola's, Lana got Luna's, Lola got Lucy's and Lisa got Lori's

Lynn Sr.: ok so we're gonna fix this immediately ok but I do have requests from you guys

Kids: Sure

Lynn Sr.: Lori no reading in your underwear

Lori: ew gross

Lynn Sr.: Leni try not to be a sore looser

Leni: got it

Lynn Sr.: Luna please don't make any fashion crimes please

Luna: like why would I

Lynn Sr.: Luan try and remember that family comes before science

Luan: Of course male parental unit

Lynn Sr.: Lynn pick the right times to tell jokes don't just say them

Lynn: of COURSE dad *hold up a platter of the meal they just ate* haha get it

Lynn Sr.: *chuckles* Lincoln please don't clog the toilet just to fix it

Lincoln: I'm not Lana

Lana: hey offensive

Lincoln: it's true though

Lynn Sr.: Lucy don't become a stuck up wannabe please

Lucy shrugs

Lynn Sr.: Lana I don't want you playing any instruments past 10 pm

Lana: awww man

Lynn Sr.: Lola please don't go into dark places just to scare people

Lola: but those are the best places

Lynn Sr.: *rolls eyes* and Lisa please make sure you put down your electronics and remember family is more important

Lisa: This is literally like the exact speech you gave to Luan but sure

Lynn Sr.: So it's a promise

Kids: promise

Lynn Sr.: k go to bed tomarrow is your final day for the week

{I'm making Friday in the story a holiday}

Kids: night

{A/n this was a sort of hard chapter to write I had to remember their colors and switches so that wasn't fun see you guys in the next chapter}

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