3: After school

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The teenage girls exit the school

Lori: ok whos school first

Luna: Lynn's she's having a rough time (shows the texts from Lynn)

Lori: to the middle school

they all arrive and Lynn throws her gear into the back

Luan: LJ what happened

Lynn: these boys thought that it would be funny to sabotage my try outs I can't go to another game for the rest of the year

Luna puts her hand on Lynn's shoulder

Lynn: what you feel sorry for me

Luna: kinda *goes through Leni's bag and grabs the makeup wipes and wipes the makeup off her face*

Lynn gasps

Lynn: how?

Luna: some people can't accept that I'm dating Sam its part of life LJ

Lynn: I guess

Lori: We should grab Lily before we pick up the others so we don't forget

They drive off to the pre school and Luan grabs Lily and puts her into her car seat

Lily: Poo Poo

Lori: and now for the elementary kids

They drive off to the elementary school and pick up Lincoln Lucy The Twins and Lisa

Lincoln: hey guys

Lori: we have to go home and figure this out

------------------The Loud House------------------

Vanzilla pulls into the driveway and they head to Lori and Lenis room

Lori: I call this sibling meeting to order
*bangs shoe on desk like a gavel*

Lincoln: we have these strange colors in our hair and we have no idea how

Luan: Luna and Lynn are also getting bullied

After that comment Luna pushes Luan off the bed and Lynn gives Luna a fist bump

Lucy: *a little peeved* ok so we have to figure out why we have the random hair colors and also find some kids and beat them up

Luna: *waving her hands around* Just the first option just the first option please dude

Lana: I agree with Lucy no one messes with the Louds

Lynn and Luna both facepalm as they know that there's no stopping their siblings then they all notice Lori reading a Ace Savvy comic

Lola: ummm Lori what are you doing?

Lori: Reading and waiting for yall to stop being over protective

Leni: your reading an Ace Savvy comic

Lori: And?

Lynn: that's kind of Stinkolns thing Lori

Lori: what are yall talking about I've been reading these comics since I was 5

Leni: Lori, Lincoln has been reading those since he was five

Everyone looks at Leni

Lincoln: how do you know that you can't even remember my birthday

Luna: wait it's your birthday dang I didn't get you a gift

Luan: No Luna he's saying that Leni never remembers his day of birth streetname birthday

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