part 6 (class with Emmet)

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We had just walked into class and
The first thing I saw was a girl with blond hair she looked at me and gave me angry look I think she was one of the Cullen's I turned towards my teacher as he singed the paper I gave him he handed it back to Me and started to speak "y/n you can sit over there next to Emmet" he said Emmet licked his lips I walked to my seat and set down next to Emmet who was smiling at me then I looked at the girl with blonde hair she gave me a disgusted look I turned away quickly as I looked at the teacher and then class began to start but in the middle of class I felt some breathing on my neck and when I turned around I saw Emmet he kissed my neck I blushed and quickly turned away and heard Emmet start writing again then I heard the girl with the blond hair growl I trembled but still tried to ignore her did she hate me or something I truly don't know....but after that I heard the bell ring witch must have meant lunch time everyone stood up as so did I everyone including me left the classroom as we went to lunch and when I got there I saw Bella she looked happy I grabbed my lunch and looked around the cafitearia for somewhere to sit and then I saw the Cullen's they where looking at me then I looked at Bella and I walked over to her but then I was called over by the Cullen's I walked over to them and one of them started to speak "hi wanna sit with us I'm Alice" she said cheerfully "sure" I said smiling as I sat down next to Alice "so you must be y/n the new girl.." Said the girl with the blond hair "yeah I am" I said smiling "???????" Whispered the blond hair girl I didn't even hear what she said then I heard one of the boys say something to me "so is he you're friend?" Emmet said pointing to the boy "yeah" I said cheerfully the boy's growled "is something wrong?" I asked in concern "no not at all" Alice said patting the boys on the back as they started to calm down "but y/n I have-" Alice was cut off by the  sound of the bell "well by Guy's" I said as smiled at them "wait you're last class is with Jasper!!!" She said grabbing my hand "jasper show him to class" Alice said looking at me and Jasper "sure" he said grabbing my arm as Alice let go of my arm "so Darling are you nervous" he said kissing my forehead his skin felt cold "n-no" I said smiling he smiled and at that moment I felt calm as me and Jasper started walking to I saw Bella looking at me then Jasper put his hand on my waist as we walked to class...

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