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"wake up!"

tommy felt someone shaking him. he opened his eyes and saw a forest and a kid who looked around his age. "wha..." "Who are you! Where am I!" panic settled in. tommys mind was running.

"woah. calm down. youre in a forest next to smp earth. what are you doing here. kids dont usually come out in the forest. plus you look too fancy to be from around this area." the kid said calmly, almost bored.

huh? tommy looked down at his clothing. it looked really nice but ig was stained with mud. tommy looked around his surroundings. they were deep in the forest. the grass looked like it could go on forever. "are these yours?" the kid asked pulling tommy out of his thoughts. tommy looked at what he was pointing at. it was a lyre and a gold crown. "i..i think so? i dont really remember anything but looking at my outfit im guessing those are mine. i dont think someone would leave those in a forest." "i guess youre right. anyways, my name is timedeo. i like to just be called deo though. whats your name?" deo said calmly.

"i think its tommy... do you have a place where i can stay? i dont think i want to be in the woods alone." "sure you can!" deo said happily. he held out his hand amd helped tommy get up.

when tommy got up there was almost an instant pain in his head. "oww.. my head hurts" tommy said. "oh. i dont think we have any medicine at the house. i needed to head into town anyways so we should go there before we go to my house." 
"we?" "oh right! i live with two of my friends not to far from here. i was gonna pick up some food and then head home until i found you." deo explained while they walked to town.

"you should borrow my coat. we wouldnt want anyone robbing you!" deo said chuckling. tommy smiled and grabbed the coat. he put it on as well as the hood so no one would see the crown.

after a while of walking and buying things from shops they made their way through the forest. deo and tommy had lots of fun at town and walked to deos home in a comfortable silence. they approached a run down shack in a clearing.

"sorry if its messy. my friends do not like to clean." deo said with a laugh. "its ok! i dont like to clean either." tommy responded with a chucke.

when theu oppened the door the house was pure chaos. two boys on a couch were fighting. the blond one hurried over to the door. "ooo deo! you brought someone new! hi, my name is luke! thats bitzel! whats your name?" luke said excitedly. "my name it tommy. deo found me in the woods and invited me to stay." tommy said happily.

they had all gotten along very well. deo made dinner while luke, bitzel, and tommy got to know each other.

that night tommy changed into the clothes deo had bought him. it was a black sweater and some sweatpants. tommy felt happy this these people. this was the last thought before sleep took tommy.
a voice that sounded very familiar called to him.
now he could see them. they were two kids. one with brown hair and the other with black and white hair.
tommy! you have to remember. remember what he did! you need to find us!
what? are you apart from my past? where can i find you? tommy stated feeling desperate. he wanted to know what happend, who these people are.
tommy woke up in a cold sweat. 'what was that.' he thought to himself. he looked out the window. the sun was about to rise. tommh got up and put on a shirt over his sweatshirt. it was going to be cold today. he put on his jeans and shoes and headed outside.

he climed onto the roof of the house and started humming. he pulled out his lyre. a voice inside telling him to play it. he started off by playing a couple of strings. he started humming a song in his head. he closed his eyes and began to play.

the song was beautiful. short but elegant.

(just pretend you can play that on the lyre also this book is kinda inspired by the soundtrack lol also the sound track is so good you should listen to it )
when he opened his eyes again the forest looked more green. you could see animals out and looking at him. he got down and looked at the house. he froze.

the house looked to be overgrown with plants. vines came up the house and moss was on the walls. beautiful flowers bloomed around it. by the looks of it the house had no plants on the inside. tommy sighed in relief. sure this was bad but it could have been much worse.

he stayed outside for a while playing with the animals unil the sun fully rose. thats when he heard it.


two days. it had been two days since his youngest son has been missing. his first born had been freaking out since the youngest didnt come home. the second born had been looking day and night for him. oh how he wished he could look too but he had a nation to run. the nation was on the brink of war with manburg but when his son was born they had signed a treaty. now that treaty was broken and his son was missing.


thats the chapter! the picture at the top of the chapter is wjat he is currently wearing! this took really long to make cuz the original got deleted somehow. this book is kinda inspired by genshin impact (cuz im addicted to it) but in this world everyone has powers. the royal families powers are much more powerful than regular peoples are. also there are tools that make using your poweres more easy. also just to clarify tommy is around 13 and he will act more like himself in the next chapter. please point out any spelling errors or grammar mistakes. and if you have any constructive criticism please tell!
have a good day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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