Mornings (Dustberry)

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Top Blueberry, don't like don't read...

Ship~ Dustberry

Side Ships~ Killmare and Cream

Genre~ Fluffy and limey 

TW~ teasing, 



"Dusty wake-up."

It was currently six o'clock in the morning. I was staying at the AU manner since I didn't really like staying in my universe. It's where I have to pretend to be unaware of resets and the AUs to my brother. Not to mention I have to pretend to be an innocent baby all the time. I don't get why people see me that way.

Either way, you see I have two jobs in the morning. One of which is hard but I've gotten used to it. That one being making breakfast for the people at the manner. Luckily we have a system and if I make too much food... well... we have Horror.

That system is a sign-in sheet. There are millions upon millions of Universes and it's impossible to guess how many are staying at the manner and when they're staying at the manner. So when an aware is staying and needs me to make breakfast for them they leave their names on a sheet of grid-like paper, with how much they want in the kitchen. I always have to make breakfast for, Nightmare, Killer, Horror, Dust, Cross, Dream, Ink, Error, Scoundrel, Fresh, Epic, Geno, and myself since we all live, live in the manner.

I also have to cook for Red and Classic a lot too.

My second morning Job on the other hand is quite... impossible. Well I mean it is possible, just... very... very... VERY hard.

You see I have a lazy-boned boyfriend. Dust. He has problems waking up. It's not your average 'oh I'm a heavy sleeper.' No. I have to drag Dust out of bed and push him down the stairs. Several times. Before he even gets half awake. If I don't wake him at six, or at least start to wake him. I have to feed him.

I have to drag my grown-ass boyfriend downstairs to the Dinning room, place him on my lap and force-feed him so he doesn't starve till lunchtime. I'm not even exaggerating... that much.

"Five more minutes..." Dust mumbled, only sinking his head further into the pillow. "Welp it's dragging time." I pushed the blanket off of the resisting Dust. Grabbed him by his ankles and yanked him out of bed. bang "Oww... Blue... let me sleep." Dust mumbled attempting to curl up into a ball on the floor. I still had his ankles though, so he failed. I dragged him against the carpeted floor of his room. All the way out to the wooden floor in the hallway. I kept a watchful eye light on Dust to make sure he didn't get any scraps from me dragging him on the floor.

Once arriving at the staircase I prepared myself to drop my boyfriend down the stairs. I always felt bad doing it but it was the only way. I tried everything... well I tried everything I could do when we weren't a couple.

You see, I've been waking Dust up long before we got together. After we got together though I never tried the methods I dreamed about to wake Dust up...

Oh, shit am I kinky bitch... shhh reader.

I gentle placed Dust's ankles on the ground and moved to where I could pick him up bridle style. And that's exactly what I did. No one but me and Dust, maybe Nightmare and Killer, is up at six. If you call Dust waking up for two seconds just to fall back asleep again, up that is.

I walked down the stairs Dust in my arms, peacefully asleep. Myhehe... that's not gonna last for long.

Once I was down the stairs I went to the living room off to the right of the main staircase. I went over and sat on a couch. Pushing Dust to be sitting on my lap. My arm was still behind his back and now so was my other one. Putting Dust in a cuddle position. I pushed Dust's head onto my shoulder with my right hand. Carefully so I could at least get a chance to try this... certain? method.

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