SAILing with a midget

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My name is Jennifer. I was in fourth grade when this all happened. In k-3rd grade,, I was probably the smartest one in class. Wich was good, because I was always ahead, and the teachers loved me. But it had its downsides too. I was always made fun of, no matter what what grade I was in. Kindergarten, 3rd, you name it. That, and most of my friends couldn't stand me. I was always correcting them on weather that was a word, or if their crazy idea was even going to work, and they got fed up. So in the end, I ended up having only 6 friends at school. Millie, Juliana, Conner, Drake, Austin, and Cady. Little did I know, a lot of that was about to change.

It all started when I got accepted into a program called SAIL. Millie, my current best friend, had also gotten accepted. So, obviously, I decided to go. The problem was it was at another school, and I'd be leaving a ton (okay, maybe that much) of friends! But, after hours of nagging from my parents, I caved.

Okay, now the first day of school was actually okay. I sat next to a girl who's name tag read, ' Julia "Rozie" Sanchez, and A boy who's read 'Nolan Kanski'. We went through the morning being taught how to find the madian, mean, and mode out of a set of numbers, then had snack. I didn't know we were supposed to bring our own snack, so I decided to ask Julia if I could have a bit of hers. She seemed nice out of the 3 times I talked to her.

     "Julia, um, can I have a bit of your snack?" I asked in a high and timid voice.

    "Sure, and call me Rozie." she replied. You see, if we had the say relationship we had right now back then, and I called her Julia, she would've punched me in the face. But, you usually want to make a good impression on someone you just met, you know? And no, We're not total enemies. We're actually best friends. Rozie just has this violent nature about her... she didnt have much friends at her old school.

then, about an hour and a half after snack, came lunch. The only person I actually knew there was a girl named Naila, and that's because we used to both go to Lowell.

"SIT OVER HERE NAILA! SIT OVER HERE!" Called two girls. One, with straight, shiny, shoulder lenght brown hair, brown sweater and blue jeans, the other with curly dirty blond chin lenght hair, glasses, freckles, a purple sweatshirt, and blue flare jeans.

oh great. I thought. it's those girls again.

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to find out who those girls are, keep checking back for chapter two.

anyways, feel free to comment, dont care whatchya say, I can take criticisim... plz vote, and yeah... thats it.

SAILing with a midgetWhere stories live. Discover now