The Wedding, and Some A.B.C. Gum.

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I came to school that day, that odd, confusing day, with a broad smile on my face. I was turning ten. I marched into the door and took my seat next to the goose (otherwise known as Rozie Sanchez). On the overhead, there was a book displayed. It was a poetry book, very small, only about thirty pages long.

"Allright class," Mrs. Pinckney took her seat infront of the projecter, "as you can see, we will be doing some poetry today. htey ae poems for two. By this I mean that there will be one line that one person will say, while the other person says another. These lines will harmonize, making a rather soothing sound. Or at least thats how I feel about it." she said, ending the last sentence with a smile. She then proceeded to hand out the books, and let us finger through them. Rozie and I stopped at one titled Fireflies.

"this one looks interesting." she said.

"Yeah." I replied. I thumbed through it, and imagined it in my head. it had a nice harmony to it.

"Allright." Mrs. Pinckney said "I hope you;ve found a favorite, because that is the one you will be practicing and performing."

We were ending the practice our poems, when we looked over at Carter and Bryce, doing their poem, The House Moth.

Carter kneeled and pointed his hands and face towards the ceiling, and exclaimed, "Porch light! Hear my plight! I drink your light, like nectar. Dream of you all day, stare in your eyes All night!"

"It looks like you're proposing!" I said through a laugh.

"Ha, right!" Carter exclaimed. He then fashioned a ring out of a piece of paper, and started proposing to everyone. And I mean everyone.

"well... that wasn't weird at all!" said Rozie, the faintest hint of sincerity left in the pool of sarcasm that was now pooring out of her mouth. We were so enthralled in a conversation that when Carter came around to propose to me, I just waved him off with a, 'yeah yeah' and went back to my conversation, unaware of what he had just asked me.

"so what were you saying?" I asked carter when I was done talking to Rozie.

"You just agreed to Marry me." He said with a smirk.

"WHAT!?!?!" I asked, gaping in extreme shock. Greeeeeaaaaat. I thought. Why on MY birthday does this happen!?

After a crazy mixed up day of me being teased about liking Carter, I hopped on the bus. My one sanctuary. I pulled out a pack of gum, when I heard an unmistakable midgety voice call out, "can I have some?"

"why would I give gum to you?" I asked with the best expression of curiosity I could muster. I didn't really hate the guy. he wa actually kinda nice... What was I thinking! I unwrapped a piece of gum and popped it in my mouth.

"good point... but still!" Mitchell said with a tone of mock hope.

I pulled the piece of gum out of my mouth and showed it to Mitchell. "this is the only gum you're getting." I said. Naila seemed to pop out of NOWHERE when she said, "he really will take it."

"I will." he said. I handed him the wad of gum, and he threw it with nonchalance into his mouth.

"EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!" I yelled. I was horrified. why would something that I hate THAT much eat something that had been in my mouth for THAT long!? I was disgusted. I spent the entire bus ride home feeling like I was gonna puke.

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