Script made by strir

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Kim kardashian pov:(2 hours before everyone came home, home)Ooooh, the day has finally come. Soooooom I have longed for, I said with mystery in my voice.* Ed teleports in front of my romantic eyes *Hi young lady, said Eddie, blinking incessantly with one of his crystal blue eyes.* Kim giggles ** Ed goes down on his knees and takes something out of his pocket *WHat! What is this for prank Eddie? I moan in a strong voice.* Ed squints *What do you mean? Says Ed in a tumultuous and sexy voice.I JUST HAVE TO GET A HAMMER, Ed says as his eyebrows drop to an angry grin.What exactly is your plan Ed? I said and started stepping.We're gonna kill them! gap laughs Ed.You sound like an APA! I say in an annoyed voice.AP-ED, AP-ED, AP-ED, AP-ED! exclaims the audience at the back.But yyyyhhhh, Ed shouts complaining.A perfect plan for a perfect couple!* Both start gaping while the choir sings: AP-KIM, AP-ED, etc. ** Kim hears something in the distance and prick up her ears *THEY WILL COME, I said as my lips formed into a straight line.Finally... now we can perform our evil ritual, says Ed in Scanian.* AP-ED and AP-KIM teleport to their positions *.......I've been waiting for the four of you. She said, blinking attractively.VAaaa? There are only three of us. Can't you count? We will teach you.... in bed. Harry says happily.* Emot takes a math book out of his pocket *Neeeej... check behind you. She said frustrated.* Everyone turns around in a flash *Ed Sheeran: Hi my little cones! :-)* Everyone sticks to their stomachs and laughs... but not for long *Emots pov:* Everyone sticks to their stomachs and laughs... but not for long *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAERR, Ed shouts as he swings the hammer at Louis' head.* Louis covers his face with the help of his fingers, which have now become small pocket knives *THIS CANNOT STOP US !!!! I MOSE YOU !!!* Against thinking *I have to do something! Louis and Harry are my daddies.* Emot runs up to Ed and takes out the math book once again *I will not let you hurt my boobs!* I could see Ed's face losing all color. He was afraid like an antelope when it was hunted by the king of the savannah. ** I, against, raise my weapon and it goes straight through Ed's heart of stone *Men VAaaa? exclaims Harry.It was never ED ?! He's been a chameleon all along?* Kim escapes but I grab her arm *You 're not going anywhere!* Me and my sugar daddis tie her and her evil (but sickly good-looking) chameleon to an atomic bomb. *Hi then your bitches! we all shout in chorus.The audience shouts:AP-Kim, AP-Ed, AP-Kim, AP-Ed!FINAL

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