Coming out

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You know....all my life, i have never known my sexuality or how to label my self.

I mean im like just 14 years old but like its really hard.

I have always questioned my self and how people will react to what my sexuality is.

I live in a country where people believe that everyone should be attracted to the opposite sex. That everyone should just be straight.

Don't get it country is bad but i feel like everyone could just be ok with people liking other genders. Life would be so much easier.....but lets not get side tracked here.....

Anyways i decided that i was bisexual. I mean i like both boys and girl so yea....

It all started when i got to my new school. It was like a new me had awaken. It still shock me to be honest.

Long story short....i got a boyfriend at my school and people found out about it and well i guess almost everyone knows im bisexual in the school.

I mean i'm not sad about people knowing about my sexuality but im just sad about people judging and making fun of me liking both guys and girls....and it really hurts.

Its so bad that people literally senhate comments on my instagram post and would send me some really hurtful stuff in my dm's.

My class is literally so fucking toxic that my classmates talk behind my back. Tbh i only have like 2 real friends in that class who won't judge me about my sexuality and who i like and im really happy about that.

I try to ignore what people say but it still hurts sometimes. Sometimes i cry myself to sleep because of what happens in school.

But the worst part about this situation is when the people who pretend to be my "friends" are the ones who are talking about me behind my back.

I am si tired of my life and wish i could travel and start a new life and just be carefree.

Anyways im going to go cry some more and think about if i should post this......anyways byeeee <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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