Chapter 1

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Harry sits at the front row of the class, he always does.

He doesn't sit there because he's interested in what's being taught or actually wants to pay a little more attention. He could still do that from the rear of the lecture hall, or go for tutorials if necessary.

But this was the case where he actually comes to class every week, on time, just to see the Greek God standing in front of him. the Greek God, also known as Dr. Louis Tomlinson.

He has those icy blue eyes every girl in his his class gawky gawky drools over. Short light brown hair and a very little amount of a scrub of hair neatly shaved on his jaw. He was a very reserved young man. And Harry was beyond overwhelmed by how he's been able to get his PhD in microbiology and become a professor at the age of 27.

Harry himself was 20, and he wasn't even sure about being a doctor anymore. He was only in college because his grades were good enough to get into medical school and when your mother mother has made a name in the medical industry well, much is expected from you. He doesn't know what to do but he's sure as hell he doesn't want to be a doctor.

Maybe that decision changed as time went on. As Harry comes for lectured every week since freshman year, he's frown to notice a liking for his professor. He doesn't know how it happened, it just did.

It started off as a mild interest in nis academic life slowly, it developed into something more. Like a crush.

And when he realized what was really happening to him, he deliberately missed lectures for a month just for the feeling to go away. But that didn't happen, as a matter of fact things only got worse. So, he ended up searching his name online and reading all he could find. That's when he actually accepted the fact that it wasn't just a mere crush. It was way more than that. A sort of addiction he couldn't pull away from.

His professor become his drug.

A drug he couldn't go away with. And it took only a matter of days for him to stumble back into the microbiology lecture all again. And he doesn't really go there to learn, he drops over the reserved handsome man who barely holds an eye contact with anyone for two seconds.

"Maybe you should tell him." Niall leans on his table glancing in the direction of Harry was looking at. He sees Dr. Tomlinson and smiles.

Harry rapidly blinks and glances around to realize the lecture was over and people had began leaving already. He turns to look at Niall to find the boy smirking at him.

"Shut up" Harry grunts at him.

Niall responds with a teasing snicker which makes Harry narrow his eyes harder at him.

"Honestly you have to make a move. Write a letter, make a song, you know.. that shit." Niall snorts.

Harry rolls his eyes and picks up his bag from the floor to pack his books, "Its not so easy. He barely knows I exist?"

"He would if you talk to him."

"Well its not easy-"

"-what if I helped you? Hmm?" Niall raises his brows in question. Harry pauses what he's doing to give him some attention.

"And how exactly are you going to do that? I'm way out of his league and I doubt he's even gay?"

"That's what you think?" Niall shrugs. "So?," he raises his brows, "are you with me on this or not?"

Harry sighs and drops his now full bag on the table,
"This is ridiculous."

Niall shakes his head,
"That doesn't answer my question Kelly boy. Are you with me on this?"

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