[S1] Chapter 18

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This chapter almost 4k words :D idk what makes this chapter so long


"princess-? YOU? why are you here?" Jaehyun whom just entered the shop asked in terror

He just entered the shop and without even a minute being inside here, he made a scene already

Jungwoo who was holding a scissor clenched into it tightly. I'm scared that he might threw that scissors onto Jaehyun's face

"Why did you bring him here? and why are you here with him?" Jungwoo asked looking at me in horror, he stares at me with full of interrogation

"i-" i got cut off

"I drove her here form school, why?" he said after cutting me off, i tilt my head back and i stared at him giving him a questioning looks, like why would you say that?

He walked around the shop passing through all furniture observing them one by one

"CK, what are you doing here? if you are just going to make a trouble then go away" Jungwoo said in sarcasm

"AH is this how you treat your customer?" Jaehyun asked him back then he leaned closer to one of the  roses

"I want one bouquet of roses, don't forget to decorate it nicely, flower boy. I'll wait here until the flower is done" Jaehyun said while mocking Jungwoo then he went to the couch sitting nicely there

I saw Jungwoo keeps on glaring at me and Jaehyun alternately, giving me thousands of questions through his eyes, it was unspoken yet it was clear enough what kind of questions he will ask me once Jaehyun left

"Haera, let's eat BBQ after this, you want it ? since last BBQ was your treat, this time it will be my treat" Jungwoo said suddenly breaking the silentness

I looked at him for awhile he is asking me a questions, but his eyes keeps on staring at Jaehyun like he was about to kill him right at this spot.

"How about going to the BBQ with me ? I'll treat you everything you want, twice than how Jungwoo will treats you. Even if you want to buy the store, i'll buy it for you. Hundred meats? that's not a problem for me too" Jaehyun said while at the same time flexing his richness

"Hey, I asked her to go with me first" Jungwoo said while raising one of the scissor in to the air, getting ready to throw it at Jaehyun

"A flower boy that tries to look tough. There's no rule that says i can't ask Haera to go for BBQ with me when another guy asked her first. She doesn't even accept your offer yet, she might not want to go with you" Jaehyun said mocking Jungwoo. He said as if today is the last day of this world, how could he even got that much of confidence to say it like that

"but you stole my idea" Jungwoo whined, and Jaehyun just raised his eyebrows along with his shoulders

"Who who would you go with ? It's me right ?" jungwoo asked being hopeful

Are they kidding me right now ? At this moment, i can't event think nor choose anymore. They both looked at me hoping that i would choose themselves

I scratched my head nervously while not knowing who to choose either

"who..?" Jaehyun asked me being impatient with the answer or that he is so confident that i will pick him compared to Jungwoo

But not a lie, right now i really can't choose. I don't want to hurt anyone. If i pick Jungwoo, Jaehyun might get mad at me, but if i pick Jaehyun then Jungwoo might be sad and he might be sulky at me

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