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This one-shot contains spoilers for the in-game story quest in Genshin Impact: Carmen Dei


The flow of the wind has carried all sorts of treasures with it, both visible and invisible to the naked eye for many millennia. It can carry light and feathery bristles of dandelions to great lengths of distance. At will, it can wake an individual's locks of beautiful hue and have it caught swaying along its flowing dance. The wind can even lead ships of all sorts gone astray back to shore, guardedly leading sailors back to the beloved homes and families they may have missed so much.

These are one of the many performances of the Anemo Archon, Barbatos and the wind that have always been present in each and every day of Teyvat. No time has passed when the wind remained immobile for a long period. It always went to various places, carrying various treasures with it.

Even as of this very moment, with a bard well-known in Mondstadt currently present in said nation, the wind blows ever so softly. The viridescent cape he wears, the sapphire locks on either side of his face decorated into braids; they all dance along to the breeze's movement.

His delicate fingers strumming and creating pleasant melodies with the same lyre he's always brought with him. Even with the form of a mortal, Venti continues to carry a treasure with him, much like when he does with the wind.

With a sigh, Venti settles his lyre onto his lap. Glancing down to the plaza just below, his eyes linger shortly on a few of the citizens retreating to their respective homes after late duties. Peaceful and free. The nation proceeds to remain in the condition they've always dreamt it to be in. Although satisfied with the outcome they've earned for the new Mondstadt, there were times when he was anything but content. Tonight was no exception.

Currently, Venti rests on the palms of the tall statue supposedly dedicated to him, yet he knew better than anyone else that in truth, it will always be a gift not for him, but for his friend.

His emerald eyes now glaze at the numerous glittering lights that speak to many down from the sky.

" I wonder if you're really watching over Mondstadt from the stars.. " He sighs.

The bard couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he fiddles with the lyre on his lap. It would be quite ridiculous as an Archon to ponder such a thought. It's just one of the many baseless myths and legends, after all. Yet the little wisp inside him hoped that the very myth he had in mind was true, he believed that such rumors carry its truths.

" You know, even though I've been sharing my ballads about you around the world, I've never been able to deliver them in the way you used to. "

He strums the first string, the second and then the third. Under his breath, he then hums a certain tune.

" I guess there's just some parts of a person that even a god cannot replicate. "

The corners of Venti's lips raise slightly. He thought that would be the reason or his friend was just one of a kind compared to humans, gods or other beings.

He still remembers the heavenly melody his friend once sang for him, clear as the waters of Cider Lake. Even if it was a short-lived memory from millenia ago, it was one of, if not the most precious memory he carries with him.

How the melody brought tranquil to his mind and soul as the young bard's juvenile voice reached his hearing so dolce. How he rested on his delicate palms that radiated a welcoming warmth during that time.

The statue he idles on could never give that same feeling to Venti, like how he could never possess the same delivery.

" Everything reminds me of you, even just laying my eyes on my- no, your reflection. "
Yet despite bearing the same physical features as you do, I won't ever be you.

It's not that Venti wanted to be his friend. Even if he tried to be, he wouldn't succeed, for his friend was an infinite amount of steps away from him, figuratively and literally. A lost little wind wisp. That's all he truly is. But even little wisps like him yearn. This little wisp just happens to yearn not to possess a voice as mellifluous as his friend's, but to be able to hear that mellifluous voice himself again. He knew well of the great difference between memory and experience.

One can remember the past, but there's no memory that can replicate the present one lives in.

Reminiscing of his friend and the time they spent together were one thing, yet seeing or even just hearing him is completely different.

" I guess I'll really never be able to hear you sing again, huh..? "

" Even if it's just for one more time. "

On this moonlit night, the bard's eyes shimmer. His frail hands, shielding his face when the tears began to fall. His fragile body shaking as his heart ached too much to keep his composure. The weight he's always carried on his shoulders had collapsed down on him again. These moments would always overwhelm his poor soul, no matter how often it repeats. A part of him wants to let go of these burdens, but another part of him has grown dependent and attached to the memories they contain. He couldn't let go of his friend, he doesn't want to forget his friend.

" Fly fly away.. " He whispered.

" Like a bird in the sky.. "

" See the world on my behalf, "

Poetry, language and song all flow like the wind and despite carrying this spirit in his ballads, despite being known and adored in this world for his literacies and melodies, he wasn't content.

Venti knew he would never grasp the feeling of contentment in his hands. To the highest of heights he may fly, yet his wish won't ever be found among the stars in the sky.

" To the heavens may you fly... "

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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