1. Fate on the Run

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A cool sea breeze kissed my cheek, the infinite blue sky enveloping me. My hair was tucked into a brown newsboy cap, threatening to break free from its restrains as they precariously peeked out from beneath. I stood at the bow of the ship, giddy from the excitement, and admired the view of my destination- Leiden. The dock was already filled with people and bustling with life.

Gradually, the ship's momentum began to wane, its once unstoppable force reducing to a gradual halt. The grinding of metal against the force of inertia filled the air, sending vibrations pulsating through the deck. The ship, now subdued by the immense power of friction, finally succumbed to the resistance of the waters, its forward motion begrudgingly coming to a complete stop. The items in my suitcase jerked, almost pulling me along with it. The hefty suitcase, which had been decorated with a measly pink tag, was heavy enough for a teen like me to lug around with both hands.

I leaned against the railing of the starboard and exhaled heavily, my hands relaxed as I ran my hand over the cool metal. My mind was filled with a tangle of adrenaline and excitements, creating a chaotic symphony of emotions.

The crew lowered the platform onto the dock, and before I knew it, there I was- an old briefcase in hand, and some loose change in my pocket.

I'm ready to start a new life.

"Thanks for riding with us, young man," A crew member, exhausted and drenched in perspiration, reached for the towel draped around his neck with a weary sigh.

As he vigorously wiped his sweat-stained forehead, his movements carried the weight of the sweltering sun bearing down upon us. The intensity of the sunlight reminded us that this was indeed a sunny day, its radiance commanding our attention and demanding our endurance. To put it simply, it was pretty warm.

Although my French proficiency was mediocre at best, I could still comprehend the average French speaker. However, I must admit that my speaking skills are not on par with my understanding.

Nodding in agreement, I instinctively pulled down my cap further over my eyes, as if seeking solace in its reassuring shadow.

I need to get out of here.

Before I could make my escape, my eyes caught the grim gaze of the burly man, who had been observing my every move with a mix of confusion and suspicion. His weathered face, etched with lines that spoke of a hardened past, mirrored his inner turmoil. It was as if he sensed a shared secret, a hidden truth that danced between us, yet remained shrouded in enigma.

"Say, what are you doing at a place like this all by yourself?" He peered at my face with furrowed eyebrows, snatching my wrist rudely.

With a tinge of annoyance, my patience wavered as I defiantly swatted his intrusive hand away, my voice laced with a firmness that brooked no interference.

"Mind your own business," the words escaped my lips, my foreign accent heavy.

Determination fueled my every step as I quickened my pace, driven by the urgency to leave the vessel behind and forge onward towards my destination. I had places to be, goals to pursue, and I refuse to let this grubby, old man impede my path.

"No. Not so fast, sir. Show me your ticket," he commanded, his raised hand halting my rapid departure. His palm, marked by beads of perspiration, opened expectantly, awaiting the presentation of my ticket.

The burly man's tone shifted to one of authority, his voice cutting through the air like a sharp gust of wind. Perhaps he believed that I was a mischievous intruder, seeking a free ride on the ship. He'd be right.

I found myself levitating on adrenaline-fueled instinct, acting without conscious thought.

"Argh! Wha- Get him!" I had swung the weighty briefcase as hard as I could, colliding it square upon his jaw. Ouch.

I regained my balance and hastily scurried off the steep steps of the platform connecting the boat to the harbour. The hefty man pursued me, inadvertently causing the platform to quiver with each heavy-footed, resounding thud as he stumbled down the stairs. I used my briefcase as a makeshift support to keep myself from toppling face-first down the stairs and into the ground.

I dashed into the dense crowd, my clammy hands giving their best attempt to cling onto the handle of my deteriorating suitcase. Muttering a series of 'sorry' and 'excuse me', I tried my best to flee, a few people giving me irritated looks as I pushed them aside- politely and gently, of course. I'm not heartless.

As I sprinted amidst the frantic chase, vigorously pumping my legs, an intense gust of wind abruptly snatched away my cap, liberating my tousled hair to dance and flutter with a newfound freedom.

"You wicked wretch!" Grimacing in pain, his hand tightly gripping his throbbing jaw, he shoved aside innocent bystanders with an unrefined force, leaving a trail of unsettled onlookers in his wake, all in his relentless pursuit to reach me.

Glancing towards the forlorn hat lying abandoned on the grimy pavement, I cursed under my breath. It was a testament to the dire circumstances at hand- a relentless pack of formidable, muscular figures hot on my heels. The urgency to fade into the crowd, outmaneuver their pursuit, seized my every thought. Damn, that hat was not cheap.

Before I could set my eyes back onto the road ahead of me, the hat was gently lifted from the ground. Hesitant yet curious, my gaze lifted to meet the eyes of a tall young man, his azure eyes emanating a captivating aura. His hair, reminiscent of sun-kissed sands, further enhanced the allure of his presence. He wore pale-golden suspenders and military-green tight leather pants with heeled boots- flashy! He looked about the same age as me. My eyes stayed locked with his as my legs and the adrenaline urged me to continue running.

"Here," he extended his hand and carefully placed the hat back onto my head, his fingers adjusting the brim with a gentle precision. Only then did I realize the presence of an older gentleman, standing just a few steps back, his head slightly tilted as he peered curiously at me from behind him. He posessed the most brilliant crimson hair my eyes had ever had the pleasure of seeing. He, on the other hand, sported a tone-on-tone plaid vest over a white shirt, and wore pants decorated with Suède strings- Wait, this isn't the time to be admiring handsome guys!

From my disheveled appearance and having heard the loud cry from before, I'm sure they both knew what was going on. Their perceptive gazes seemed to penetrate beyond the surface, unraveling the truth hidden within my untidy and disconcerted state...

"You're in a rush right? See you in town," the young man shooed me away, giving me a small nudge as if to say 'off you go!'. Meanwhile, the red-haired man, his warm smile illuminating his scruffy face, bid me farewell with a quick wave, his slender fingers delicately gripping a cup of dark, bitter coffee, seemingly untouched by the chaos of my impending separation. He had an air of subtle sophistication about the him, alluding to a hidden wealth that transcended material possessions.

With a sense of gratitude and anticipation, I hastily bid them farewell, my hand waving in swift synchrony with the older man's friendly, albeit slightly rushed, gesture. Their presence lingered in my thoughts, their kindness and reassurance embedded in my heart. As I turned my gaze away, I couldn't help but steal one last glance at their enigmatic figures, silently hoping for the day when our paths would cross again. I picked up the pace.

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