3. A Chance Encounter, A Sweet Reward

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As the sun timidly peeked over the horizon, I found myself awake earlier than usual, my heart pounding with anticipation. Sleep had eluded me for the entire night, consumed by a contagious and exhilarating excitement for the possibilities that lay ahead. Energy pulsed through my veins, causing my legs to rhythmically kick beneath the soft confines of my blanket in excitement. Today held the promise of securing the job of my dreams, a prospect that buoyed my spirits and set my soul on fire.

Stepping out of bed, the cool morning air playfully kissed my cheek, leaving a refreshing tingle in its wake. As I stretched my limbs, my body reluctantly responded to the call of wakefulness. My bare feet met the cool touch of the marble floor in the bathroom, coaxing a sharp gasp from me as a jolt of coldness charged through my body.

In front of the mirror, I faced an unexpected sight that made me blink in surprise. Tousled strands of hair, unaware of nighttime boundaries, had taken on a life of their own, playfully bending my bangs into peculiar angles. The reflection before me, adorned with a haphazardly messy morning mane, startled me into recognition of my own disarrayed appearance.

I swiftly completed my morning routines, moving through tasks with half-closed eyes. My mind, still foggy with the remnants of sleep, struggled to keep up with my body's quickened pace. After adjusting the last button on my collared shirt, I smoothed out the wrinkles with a hasty swipe of my hand, the fabric obediently falling back into place.

Ensuring a final composed appearance, I scrutinized myself in the mirror once more before securing my belongings in my trusty grey messenger bag and and slinging it over my shoulder. Completing my ensemble, a worn brown hat found its home atop my disheveled locks.

Stepping out of my home, the morning greeted me with a gentle breeze that caressed my lips and whispered the promise of a new day. Underneath the warmth of the rising sun, I descended the steps with a familiar sense of eagerness, my heart pounding in sync with the rhythmic thud of my footsteps. However, amidst the rush of excitement, a nagging doubt began to take root within me. Wait, where even is CH Postal Company?

Engulfed in a cloud of confusion, I furrowed my brow, desperately racking my brain for any semblance of a clue. Thoughts churned and twisted, but to no avail. Seriously? I just may be the dumbest person alive.

Frustration tinged my thoughts, but a flicker of hope sparked within me. The bakery from yesterday, where Grandma seemed to hold the wisdom of the world, beckoned me with the smell of freshly baked pastries.

In haste, I hurriedly made my way to the bakery, a beacon of solace amidst the rising tide of uncertainty. Through the threshold, Grandma greeted me with a knowing smile that seemed to suggest she had been expecting my return.

"Bonjour! We meet again, little girl. Heading to the company today?" Her voice was warm and comforting, like a gentle embrace.

A chuckle escaped my lips, tinged with a hint of nervousness, as I fiddled with my thumbs. "Yes, Grandma. I hope I'll get the job," I replied, my voice laced with both excitement and apprehension. As she deftly placed a croissant in a paper baggy, I couldn't help but be grateful for her presence, a guiding light in the labyrinth of unknowns.

With a newfound resolve, I leaned in slightly, tilting my head to one side, my curiosity burning bright. "By the way, Grandma, do you happen to know where the company is?" I asked, hoping that her wisdom held the key to unlocking the missing piece of my puzzle.

Grandma's eyes sparkled with a mix of compassion and understanding, as if she sensed my momentary lapse. With a gentle hand patting mine, she reassured me, "Don't worry, my child. I can help you with that."

"It's about ten minutes walk away," she said, her voice laced with the confident certainty of someone who knew the city like the back of their hand. "Just take a left turn when you see the colorful display of a shoemaking shop and continue walking straight. You'll pass by quaint boutiques with vintage trinkets and the aroma of local cafes, until you reach the CH Postal Company."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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