Asked out?

22 1 0

I Feel my shoes slam on the pavement. With each step my heart beats faster. I feel my blood pumping. Sweat running down my dark skin as I pushed myself to go faster. I came to a stop when I see Grant sitting on one of the park benches with two cups of coffee and Rico by his foot.

" hey neighbor". I said to him with my heavy breathing.

"Morning Megan" he said handing me the cup of coffee. Grant has been my neighbor since I moved here when I was 22 ,fresh out of college. This was a routine actually, I would do my morning run at the same time he would walk Rico, so we would normally meet during the time period of 6:30 to 7:30, but he never bought me coffee before.

"What's this for". I asked lightly raising my hand with the coffee.

"Oh". he said scratching the back of his head, a light blush appearing on his cheeks. "well". he said hesitantly. I took this chance to sit a the seat beside him.

"I wanted to ask you on a date". he said with his cheeks a bright red.

I hade a crush on Grant a while now but I didn't think too much into it.

"Oh really". I said nervously. "yeah". he replied.

" OK then it's a date". I said turning to the side with a wide smile on my face.

"Ummm, is Friday good". he asked with a smile of his own.

"Yea, yea, yeah. Friday's perfect-.umm. I mean, sure Friday's good". I said recovering from my rambling.

I see a adorable smile on his face as he witnessed my internal nervous break down.

"Ok I'll pick you up at 6 then". he asked.

"Yeah sounds good". I said feeling happier that ever.

"I'm glad that-". but this sentence got cut of by a familiar bark.

We both look down to see Rico growling at another dog that was passing by, the dog respond by doing the same.

"Rico, boy calm down". Grant said as he grad the leash to restrain him.

I gently pet Rico on the head, and turn my attention back to Grant when the passerby was gone.

"As I was saying, it really nice that-". but was once again interrupted but this time by my watch that reads 7:45.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry Grant but I got to go". I said as I stand up.

"Ummmm, yea, it's good , so I'll see you Friday then". he asked.

"Yeah totally". I said as I took of running back home.

I open my door and close it, after this sound that proved I was home, I heard paws on the marble floor.

As my golden retriever, Tubs, came to me I bent down. "sorry I took so long boy". I said as I pet him. He whines in reply but quickly tackle me to the ground. "Tubs I don't have time for this ,I'm gonna be late" I said, once again he whined but took off running to the kitchen. I filled up his water bowl and went upstairs to take a shower. While I was showering I heard my phone ring, I stretch my hand out and blindly search the counter top for it. When I retrieve the phone it was Mason, my brother, calling. I answered , put the phone on speaker and turn off the shower to hear him better.

"Hello". I answered and waited for his reply.

"Meg, where are you". his voice echoed in the bathroom.

"I'm in the shower, I won't be long". I answered.

"Ok just hurry up please". he said, he was about to hang up when I stoped him.

"Mase, what's going on this week. What are the important things going on".

"Oh my gosh, I swear I'm gonna buy you a calendar for your birthday, so you can keep track of shit".

"So right now we should meet with the contractor about the clinic. We have the charity event on Friday. Meet with the sponsors to get the approval Monday and an interview on Wednesday". he finished.

" oh ok ,that good then" I said as I fix a stand of hair that had fallen out back into the messy bun.

"Ok then , bye" he said as he hanged up. I finish my shower and put on a white turtle neck and a black Demi overall skirt.

"Ok bye boy" I said after I put more food in Tubs bowl. I get in my car a drove down to Mercury.

When I was 21 me, Mason and Leo, made a children's home. At first it was slow especially with two collage students and a 25 year old, all three of them working minimum wage. So I did stock marking and build the place up and make Leo and Mason use their money to work on them self. Now at the age of 25 I have 3 cars and Mercury.

I pull up in the parking lot of Mercury to see, Mason on the phone with someone and Leo leaning against his car smoking a cigarette. I got out of the car and slam my door for my presents to be know. Mason stop talking on the phone and hangs up while Leo steps on his cigarette.

"Sorry I'm late, lost track of time" I said as I make a beeline to Leo

"What is wrong with you, we're at a fucking orphanage and you're smoking". I said with venom in every word as I hissed at him.

I watch as he smirked and blow out the smoke in my face. I broke out in a fit of coughing.

"Yow Leo, that was low bro". I Heard Mason said.

"Sorry". Leo said. I recovered and glared at him, I turn my head to the side to see Mason. "Where is he". I asked, referring to the contractor, ignoring Leo's apology.

"Round back". Mason replied. I took off with anger in each step as I exited the parking lot, but not before I hear Mason scold Leo.


I went around the back where the play field was to see a man, in his late 30s. I talked to him a couple day sack his name is Bob, Bob Ford.

"Mr.Ford, good morning" I said , putting on my fake smile over my pissed mood. "Ahhh, Mrs.Lewis. Pleasure meeting you in person." He said with a smile of his own. "Actually it's Miss ,Miss.Lewis". I said feeling offended. "My apologies" he said as he shakes my hand. "So let's get down to business, shall we" he said, monitoring to the table with the blue print. "Ok. So if you want to build the clinic and still have the play field we will have to cut down some of the trees in the front off the forest" he said

" oh I see, since the trees are still small maybe we can try to transplants them in a small garden or at least plants them around the area. After all we are in New York we're not much trees are around" I said with a small laugh at the end. " OK I'll get my team started on it" he said " I'll re-sketch the blueprints and get back to you" I said as I walked away, making my enter in the orphanage. It was an usual thing for me to come down here every Saturday and read to them, but since I'm here might as well do so, I would get the smaller kids from 1 to 7 while Leo would get 8 to 13 and Mason would get the bigger kids.

In the middle of reading 'three little pigs' Leo entered the room, leaning against the door frame, listening to me.

I was now walking to the parking lot to leave when Leo walked up to me and feel into speed , so we were walking side by side at the same pase.

"Look I just wanna say sorry about what I did earlier. It was totally uncalled for". The green eyed boy said. " you think" .I replied. " I know this is a little quick but are we good?". He asked. I consider it for a while, after all we do work together. "Yeah, we good". We feel into an awkward silence while walking to my car. " You know, when I see you in there. I'm a hundred percent sure that you would make a great mom" he said with a small smile but it then disappeared when he realized what he said. I feel anger boil through me and with all my rage, I slapped him, making the sound of skin to skin contact echo through out the quiet parking lot. "Fuck you" I snared. I watch as his shocked face turn into one of hurt and guilt. He Knew what he did, and he knows why he deserved what I did. "Tell Mason I'm leaving". I said and drive off. Leaving a tall blond hair boy with my hand print on his Left cheek in the parking lot.


So.........what ya think happed between Leo and Megan. Why do Megan hate him so much. Well idk but hopefully we will find out soon...

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