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Leo (2 years back)

I slum my self on the couch out of exhaustion. "Finally" I sighed. Putting down all the shopping bags. "Did I ever told you I love you". Megan voice filled the quiet living room, as she enter with a single blue bag with pink stuffing in it. "Yes.yes you have". I said answering her question. "Hmh". she hummed in response. "Hmh, indeed". I said as I got up from the couch and peck her on the lips. I rest my hands on he hips as the kiss gets deeper. My tongue exploring her mouth. "Alright Leo, that enough". she said after she broke the kiss that was gonna be a full make out session. "Let's get theses bags upstairs". she said as she picks up some bags. ", I'll carry them. Your should gets some rest, you've been complaining about your feet whole day". I said as I pick the bags up."If your gonna carry everything might as well carry me".she laughed. I put the bags back down and squatted . I took the silence as her confusion. "Well hop on then babe". I said with a slight smile. "Ok then". she said with a smile evident in her voice. I felt as she hoped on my back, I secure my arm under her thigh so she didn't fall and pick up the bags. "Where should we go my princess". I asked with an unrealistically deep voice, sounding like a prince.

Or at least that's what I hoped

"To my chambers my prince". my princess answered pointing to the stairs with a laugh.

I hurriedly run up the stairs and put her in our room

"What are you doing now". I asked as I set her on the bed. "imma take a shower". I nodded and leaved the room, going to the guest bedroom and packing out the clothes we bought. Not 30 minutes later, I heard Megan voice behind me.

"What do you think about Naomi?". She asked. "What". I asked confused.

"Well you know, when a girl is pregnant, and wants to keep the baby, the couple talks about ba-". but she got cut of by me. "Megan,what did I tell you about lifting things". i said as I get up from my sitting position on the floor and took the laundry basket out of her hands, put it in on the ground. "chil bro, it got wheels". she said as she kicks the basket and watch as it rolls into the room. "Well wheels and a flight of stairs don't work good".

"I know that you are avoiding the topic, but we will have this conversation". she said as she kicks the basket out of the room and down the hallway. This girl is gonna be the death of me.

Megan (present day)

I close the mascara, and look in the mirror, fairly pleased by my appearance.  I was wearing a Khaki pants with a brown tub top and an oversized blue and brown flannel shirt.

  I was wearing a Khaki pants with a brown tub top and an oversized blue and brown flannel shirt

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For my hair I put my box braids in to a high ponytail. I look at the clock and see that in the next 10 minutes Grant should pick me up.
The week was uneventful with just me and Tubs staying home, going on runs, cuddling, but on Wednesday I did take him to the vet as much as he hates it. Right now I'm getting ready for my date with Grant. I hear my doorbell ring, signaling that Grant was here. I grab my phone and my wallet and walk downstairs and open the door

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