41 - Cannot

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Ryujin didn't get the chance to talk to Yeji again. The weekend passed and she didn't attempt to talk to the woman the following week.

She thought she'd learn to accept everything. Instead, Ryujin was tortured even more. It went worse because Yeonjun started to drive Yeji every morning and picks her up every afternoon.

Ryujin's just faking a smile whenever Felix and Lia talk about Yeji's love life. There are days when Ryujin sees Yeji's empty chair and Lia will just say Yeonjun came to pick Yeji up early.

Not wanting to hear more about it, Ryujin tried to stay away from that team and busied herself in tennis instead. She put all her efforts into every practice in hopes of somehow forgetting her drama for a while.

Besides, she's got a competition to worry about and that's where she should focus now.


It was after a week of avoidance when Ryujin and Yeji ran into each other in the hallway. Ryujin was about to go home while Yeji was walking back to her station.

Both stopped abruptly at the sight of each other.

Ryujin isn't sure what to do. There are only a few people left in the office at that time, a reason she can't say she didn't notice Yeji.

It was Yeji who smiled first. "Hey."

Ryujin pulls the strap of her bag over her shoulder, trying her best not to melt. "Hey. What's up?"

"Good. You?"

"Likewise." Ryujin saw Yeji's PC still turned on. "Overtime?"

"Yeah. Got deadlines to meet. You were on OT too?"

"Yeah. Just finished wrapping things up."

Then there was silence.

Ryujin is staring at Yeji now and all she can think of is how much she missed this woman.

"Um... so... you're going home now or tennis practice?" asked Yeji.

"Home. No tennis today. You?"

"Just finalizing a few more things."

"Umm. Would you... do... do you have a ride home?" asked Ryujin, taking chances.

"Umm. Yeonjun's picking me up in a while." Yeji looked apologetic.

"Oh. No worries." Ryujin scratched her head. "So. Yeah. I better go ahead."

Ryujin is somehow expecting Yeji would say something, maybe stop her or what, but the latter stepped aside to give way.

Ryujin took this as a sign to go. "Bye."

"Uh... Ryujin?"

Ryujin stopped in her tracks. She closed her eyes, realizing how much she missed hearing Yeji call her name.

She turned around. "Yes?"

"We're cool, right?"

"Yeah... Why...?"

"I don't know. It just feels like something's off lately." Yeji brought a hand to her necklace.

"Off with what?"

"With us?"

Ryujin scoffed to herself at Yeji's usage of "us".

"Were you avoiding me?" asked Yeji.

Ryujin cleared her throat. "No. Why would I avoid you?"

"I don't know. It just feels like you've been far away these past few days."

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