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The rover pulls up in front of a trading post and Nova looks through the rover windows and sees a girl come out with a sword

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The rover pulls up in front of a trading post and Nova looks through the rover windows and sees a girl come out with a sword. "I'll talk to her" Clarke sighs as she gets out the car and Nova scoffs getting out the back and meeting Clarke in the front. Bellamy and Octavia also hop out of the rover and stand in front of it looking to the girl.

"I thought you said she was a friend" Octavia states weirdly looking to the girl from a distance. "We'll handle it. Just stay here" Clarke says as she slowly walks towards the girl and girl gets in a fighting stance and is really defensive.

"Skaikru is not welcome here, Wanheda" The girl states and Clarke continues to slowly walk towards her. "Niylah, what's wrong?" Clarke asks.

"She's waking up, hurry! We have to get her inside!" Sinclair shouts from the rover and Nova turns her head to face the rover before she faces Clarke. "We don't have time for this. Move!" Bellamy shouts as he raises his gun and tells Niylah to move.

Nova is taken back but she quickly rushes to the back of the rover and helps carry Raven in through the back and into a room. "Tie her to the bed!" Clarke shouts as everyone uses their strength to try and tie Raven to the bed but she was now wide away and fighting back.

"Where the hell am I? Let me go! Let me go!" Raven screams kicking her legs. Raven manages to get her other arm free and swings it towards Nova before Nova catches it and ducks to the side making her hit Jasper in the face instead. Jasper falls back and holds his nose, Fio roughly grabs her arm and tries to tie her back up.

"Why is it always me?" Jasper groans then goes back to helping tie Raven down. Raven continues to scream and fight back but Raven was now fully tied to the bed. "Let me go! AAAAaa!" Raven screams as cold sweats beam off her face. "Okay! Okay! How the hell do we get that thing out of her head?" Nova questions backing away from the bed breathing heavily.

"Untie me! Untie me!" Raven shouts as everyone backs away from her. Niylah walks into the room angry and Clarke sighs and walks out the room to talk with Niylah herself. Once Clarke comes back in the room she has a exhausted smile on her face.

"Niylah said we can work in here. So how do we do this?" Clarke says throwing her arms to the side of her. "We think Raven wanted to use this wristband to generate an EMP. Which is freakishly brilliant" Sinclair states and Nova listens in trying to understand every word as she is genuinely confused.

"Meaning what?" Nova questions as she crosses her arms over her chest. "A targetted electromagnetic pulse could destroy the chip's circuitry. We could use this to send an EMP along Raven's own nervous system. Just need to reverse the polarity, a wire for external input and attach of battery" Sinclair states and Nova clears her throat acting like she understood.

"What would that do to her?" Clarke asks and Sinclair sighs. "EMP's don't really affect our bodies and I don't know the mechanics of how this chip integrates with her brain" Sinclair says shrugging his shoulders.

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