First Day Of School

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After going through the entrance ceremony, everyone headed to their class. Akaza headed to his, where he found a desk right in the middle of the class. "Hello everyone to Youkai Academy! I am your homeroom teacher, Shizuka Nekonome. I think all of you know this, but this is a school for monsters to attend."

"Hey teach, can't we just eat the puny humans and molest the beautiful girls?" asked a boy not so far from Akaza. Akaza got a little upset from the last thing he said. 'No person is going to hurt any girls in front of me' he said in his head. The door to their class open and came in someone. "Excuse me! After the entrance ceremony I kind of got lost in the school! I'm sorry I'm late" the person said. 

"Oh that's fine, just take a seat" their teacher said. Akaza recognize her as the girl he met earlier, Moka Akashiya. "Moka?" Akaza said as she walk by him. She turn to him and recognize him. "Akaza?" she first said as she then hugged him. "It's Akaza! I didn't know we were in the same class!" she said, making the demon boy all warm up in the insides. 

"Huh!? How does that boy know that cute hottie!?" a bunch of the boys were saying. The rest of the day, Moka hugged onto Akaza's arm as he was very happy about it. 'I didn't know coming here would mean I get to meet a cute girl like Moka. I'll make sure nobody will lay a hand on her' he said in his head. "Hm, such a pretty one" someone said in front of them. 

It was the same boy who got Akaza angrier a little while ago. "You are called Moka Akashiya, are you not?" the boy asked. "I am your classmate, Saizou Komiya." He then picked up Akaza from his collar and said "Why is a beautiful girl like you hanging out with someone like him?"

"Let me go, or else" Akaza said, trying to give off his demon aura, but nothing happen. He then dropped Akaza to the ground and said "What is someone like you going to do?" He turn to Moka and said "Wouldn't someone like me be way better to hang out with than this guy? Why don't we hang out a bit, just the two of us?"

Moka then pulled Akaza as she started running away. "Sorry, but I'm having fun with Akaza right now!" Saizou got a little angry and said "I never allow a nice woman get away from me."

After running for a bit, Moka was catching her breath. Akaza was fine, having been use to running so fast. "That was surprising wasn't it. I got a little scare, are you okay Akaza?" Moka asked him. "I'm fine, but next time I see that guy I'll punch him to the ground for making you feel uncomfortable" Akaza said. "No, I don't want to loose you!" Moka said, shocking him. 

"Moka, what is my relationship to you?" he asked her. "We're friends, also we're on blood sucking terms" she said. "Your blood is something I have never tasted before. It taste so nice" she said. Akaza chuckled and thought 'She looks cute when she talks about my blood.'

"Also, that was my first time" Moka said, confusing Akaza. "You're the first person I have ever drank blood from Akaza, I'll never forget that feeling" Moka said, making Akaza blush a little. "M-Moka" he said, before he was shove to the wall by her. "Just thinking that makes me so embarrass!" she said. "Let's check out the academy!" Moka said, as Akaza got out of the hole in the wall. 'She's strong, I like that' he said.

Time Skip brought you by a chibi Akaza and chibi Moka exploring the school

They headed to the dorms where it turn out to be a torn down type of building. "Wow, it looks amazing!" Moka said, as Akaza agree with her. During his time as a demon, he had to live in all types of homes just to stay away from the sun. "Hey Moka, are all vampires nice and cute like you?" he asked her. "Actually no. We're all very evil and scary monsters" Moka answer him. 

"How can someone like you be a scary monster?" Akaza asked her. Moka then reveal what seem to be a cross hanging on a chain that was wrap around her neck. "This is a Rosario. It helps me control my vampire powers. My original form was too evil and scary, so I wear this to control it." 

'I thought everyone in this school was going to be ugly monsters that I would gladly kill. But Moka here is different. Being around her is giving me some type of nostalgia for some reason' Akaza said in his head. "But even with the Rosario we still get cravings for blood" Moka said, getting close to Akaza. She bit into his neck, drinking some blood. "My weakness" she said after drinking some of his blood.

Night time came, and Akaza left the dorm. Out of nowhere, he was teleported in front of Muzan. He turn around and saw Nakime with her biwa in her hands. "So Akaza, found anything that may sound interesting" Muzan told him. Akaza shook his head and said "No lord Muzan. Everyone in that school seems to be weak, but I'm not for sure."

Muzan nodded his head and said "Continue your investigation into this place. And don't forget about the Blue Spider Lily flowers." Muzan sent him back and Akaza sigh. 'This is going to be a pain in the ass' he said in his head. 

The next day Akaza was walking by himself, when he heard "Wait up lover boy." Akaza turn to the person and saw it was Saizou. He grabbed Akaza from the collar and slammed him to a wall. "It looks like you have been having a lot of fun with Akashiya yesterday, and you're gonna pay for it."

"What is your true form!?" Saizou shouted at him. "True form?" Akaza said confuse. He then chuckled and said "Want to know my true form?" He quickly swung his arm to his face and took a bite into it. He tasted a bit of his blood, which was enough for him to transform. His hair was turning red and his skin was turning grey. His stripes were appearing, and so were the numbers in his eyes.

"W-What are you!?" Saizou shouted as he threw a punch at him. Akaza grabbed it and said "I'm a demon, you weak lowlife." He threw him away and he lick some of the blood that was falling from his hand. 

"This school shouldn't be too hard for me to destroy" Akaza said, as he walked away

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"This school shouldn't be too hard for me to destroy" Akaza said, as he walked away. "Oh, I should go check on Moka!"

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