The New Students

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A/N: I want to first start this story by addressing something. Recently I've been getting comments on this story about how Akaza isn't accurate to the way he is in the actual magna and anime. Someone even told me that I ruin the character, which hurt me a little. But this is what happens when you make a story on a character who's backstory hasn't been fully reveal in the anime. The reason Akaza is nice to characters like Moka and the other girls, is because he doesn't eat girls. I thought since he doesn't eat girls, then maybe he's like a white knight to them. And if you search up memes about Akaza, they're all about him being a white knights to girls. Also he has only been nice to girls, not any to the guy characters. It's the same as calling Meliodas a pervert to all girls, even though he's only a pervert to Elizabeth. Even though I address this a little in my last author's note, it seems the people who are complaining about this only read the first chapter and left. I'm sorry that I sound a little rude, but I'm getting a little annoy about these comments and I wanted to talk about them. Thank you to those who actually like this story and support the way I write Akaza. I always try to keep the characters the way they are as they are in the magna and anime. Now sorry for the little rant, and on to the story!

Akaza sigh as the girls were looking at this new man in shocked. Doma look at the girls and said "Hello there, I'm Doma. A friend of Akaza's." 

"Friend is a strong word. I'll never be friends with a weakling like you" Akaza told him. "Aw, don't say harsh things like that" Doma said. 'He seems to be close to Akaza. Is this boy also a-' Moka said in her head as her eyes widen. "Girls, I'm sorry about this. But me and Doma need to go and have a little talk" he said as he took Doma away. "They seem nice" he told him. 

"Why are you here!?" Akaza nearly shouted at him. "Lord Muzan was upset you were almost taken over again, so he sent me to take care of you" Doma told him. Akaza sigh and said "I didn't want to show Moka this side of me. She's a nice girl and I don't want her seeing my bad side!"

"Don't worry, I'll only be watching you from the side. Just imagine me as your third wheel" Doma told him, giving him a smile. Akaza sigh and they walked back to the girls. "Sorry about that, me and Doma just had a little talk" he told them. "It's ok Akaza darling. I know you'll need some boy time before we get married" Kurumu told him.

Doma was smiling at Akaza as he said in his head 'I'm going to kill everyone.'

Time Skip brought you by this

It's been at least a month since the first day of school

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It's been at least a month since the first day of school. Since then they had two new students. "I'm Doma, I hope to get a long with all of you!" Doma said as he stood in front of the class. He then took a seat behind Akaza. "Ok, here's the next student" the teacher said as the other student came in. "H-H-Hi, I'm Tsukune Aono" the boy said.

"Now that all the new students introduce themselves, let's go on to the other news. Students have to join a club" Miss Nekonome told them. Everyone was shock by the news. Kids started filling the halls as Akaza and Moka was looking at all the clubs. A lot of them ask Moka to join them which Akaza told them "She doesn't need weaklings like you!"

"Why are you being so mean all of a sudden Akaza?" Moka asked him. "I don't know" Akaza said. 'I can't stand being in this hallways with all these weakling. I kind of want to throw up.' 

"Akaza!" someone shouted. Doma was running to him and said "Hey, I know which club we should join!" He took them to the pool where it appear the swimming team was having an interest meeting. "What do you think!?" Doma asked them. "This is a good place where we can test out our strength" Akaza said. "Um, I really don't like swimming" Moka said. "Then I hate this idea" Akaza added.

"Oh well, I'm joining. I'm going to try to have a little fun while I'm here" Doma said as he left. Akaza and Moka left as Moka asked "Shouldn't you look after him?"

"Doma will be fine. Even though he's weak, he's still stronger than the other weaklings here" Akaza said. Moka nodded as she asked "Can I ask you something?" Akaza turn to her and said "What?"

"Are you a demon?" Moka asked him, shocking him. "W-W-What!?" he asked. "Your blood, is something I have never tasted before. Even though it's so yummy, I feel something dark about it. I have only sense this darkness when my father met with a demon. So are you really a demon?"

Akaza stare at her and said "Yes." 

"I hid it from you because I was ask to and also because it was against school rules. If I'm honest, I hate being here. Spending my life with people who are beneath me sickens me. But then I met you. I don't know why, but being around you is giving me a nostalgia feeling I had from long ago." He turn a bit and said "I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore. I know how monsters treat demons different like witches."

Moka smile and said "I would never do that. You're my friend, demon or not. And if you like being with strong people, then I'll just train myself to be as strong as you." Akaza was a little shock and he could feel himself go red a bit. 'She's willing to become strong, just for me?'

"Help!" someone scream. Akaza and Moka ran and they spotted Doma about to eat one of the girls from the swimming team. "Doma stop!" Akaza shouted as he ran to him. He pushed him to the pool and they fell inside. When they got to the surface, Doma shouted "You idiot! They were the ones hurting people. They're sirens!"

They heard a splash and a laugh. "Now that I got you here, I'll suck out your life energies!" the siren said. Akaza grab Doma and jump out of the pool. "I rather avoid hurting a girl. So stop it" Akaza told her. The siren chuckled as she said "If you won't fight me, then maybe she will!" She jump and grab Moka, dragging her to the pool. "Moka!" Akaza shouted as he jump into the pool. 

The siren was dragging Moka into the depths of the pool as Akaza was trying his best to reach her. He wave his arm out to her, grabbing her Rosario. He then pulled it, pulling it off of her. A giant explosion happen. Akaza made it to the surface and he was still holding the Roasrio. Moka came out of the water, having red eyes and silver hair. "How dare you do that to me?" Moka said, looking at the siren. 

"What is this? I had my eyes set on Doma and I'm not going to give him up so easily!" the siren shouted as the other sirens started going towards them. Moka jumped into the air and they jump after her. Akaza jump in the air and took down half of them. "I don't usually hit girls, but I'll make an exception for you whores!" Akaza shouted at them. Moka took care of the others as they fell in the pool. Both her and Akaza got out of the pool as he stare at her. 'Wow, she's strong' he said as he felt his heart beat a little fast.

Moka turn to him and walked to him. She put her hand next to his face before slapping him. "That's for putting the other Moka in danger. You had the ability to push her out of the way but you didn't" she told him. "So, you're a total different person?" Akaza asked her. "I'm the real Moka, the other Moka is just the version of me holding my powers away."

"If you want to be her white knight, then make sure to protect her better than this" Moka told him as she put on the Roasrio. Moka then got her pink hair and fell into Akaza's arm. He hold her and said "Wow, that version of Moka was strong. I wonder if she would like to turn into a demon and be with me in all eternity." 

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