Chapter 3: The Accident

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Penny, a volunteer teacher, was killed in a sad accident, according to the news. She was on her way back home when a series of unfortunate events occurred.

Calling the police is a wonderful idea, however the vehicle involved in the collision should remain where it happened.

Waaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!! A police patrol's siren can be heard.

That indicates the cops have arrived. They investigate it and keep meticulous records. When the cops arrived, one witness witnessed the true events and informed the investigating officer(s) of what had happened.

"I knew I had to be home by 5:00 p.m. when the clock read 4:38 p.m. We're both anxiously waiting for our buddies in the park. We promptly left for our return trip home as soon as they arrived. Darkness was sneaking in as the sun began to set through the cracks in the clouds. A few showers fell here and there throughout the day, just enough to keep the roadways damp. On the way home, I was in the driver's seat and my friend was in the passenger seat "According to the witness.

What happened after that? Inquire with the  officer.

"We all got lost into our conversations and had a great time telling jokes to one another. I kept my eye on a dark blue car right in front of us which seemed to be in a rush. Just as I took my eyes off the car and looked at to Ms. Penny to scold to her, the car in front of us swerved into the right lane where she is in place.As I looked back onto the road, I searched for the dark blue car, but it was already ahead of two cars in the right lane. My vision turned back to the road in front of Ms. Penny.  Just as I did so, my stomach clenched and I held in my breath as I saw a stopped vehicle and it was already bump to Ms. Penny.  I have lots of thoughts began flooding into my mind on how to maneuver around this vehicle. So I immediately call the police to report that is realy happen. " the witness said truthfully.

At the same time, police officials are still probing the death of the man who bumped into Penny. And his name is Amman. The one who's represent Ash in the race. They noticed Ash's car, but they don't know whose it is. They suspect Amman is the owner of the automobile.

And the ambulance arrived with a startling noise. They picked up the two deceased and took them to the hospital to be checked and embalmed 'imbalsamo'.

The police officers contact Penny's Aunt in order to learn more about her condition and to obtain Penny's luggage and other belongings..


In the same time, John, Ash's friend, drove him to the nearest hospital and attempted to contact Ash's parents to inform them of what had occurred.

"Hello.. Tita I'm with Ash. And unexpected things happen. We're in the hospital." John stated.

"What went wrong?! Could you please send me your location?"

Ash's parents arrive after around ten minutes.

Leslie: How is my son doing? Where is he? Is he in good health?

My mother's name is Leslie. She truly adores Ash.

John: Tita, we're preparing to leave. When he sensed that something was amiss with him. He was exhaling rapidly. As a result, I purchased him here. And I immediately summon you. By the way, he's in this room, ma'am. Let us wait for the doctor's report and findings.

And the doctor came to tell them the findings and test of Ash.

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