Chapter 8: Hello Happiness

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In the next day Ash and Chief Nikko are both in the way to school. They talk to each other with  genuine feelings to each other.

The villagers  looking at them but they ignore it then after that the bell rings because it was seven o’clock already, its already time and all students must be in their classrooms already on that time.

Chief Nikko was precipitating that time because he was confused if Ash and Penny is the same. He really confused with his feeling toward Ash.

Chief Nikko : What kind of feelings if this? Is this right? he asked to himself.

Then after that the weekdays again was in, Monday morning Ash wake up 5 o’ clock in the morning and he was  so energetic that time and then he said “this is it!” then laugh (hahahaha).

He didn’t wait for his ride from Chief Nikko . He tries to walk  to school to have an exercise in the morning.

Because of the humor that is spread in their village . Ash and Chief Nikko decided to avoid each other for a while to passed the humors about them.


When Ash is in school, he saw Chief Nikko in the other building in front of their classroom eating some chips, then Ash decided to go over to see His face front to front because Chief Nikko never do come near to him, then Chief Nikko saw Ash pass in his front while looking at him and he also looking at Ash.

They look to each other, It was 5 seconds before their eyes lose to see each other then after that Ash saw his children  in their room while looking at him and Ash was so shy that time because he thought there are discussing with him.

Then after that Ash went to his classroom.  Ash saw his closed  friend the son of the oldest man in the village, while eating his foods, then Ash talked to him.

Ash said to Nomar that  he was confused to his feelings to someone. Nomer was shocked and smiled to Ash then they laughed loudly.

Nomar said “wow! Binata ka na! marunong ka nang magmahal” then Ash laughed loudly too, then Nomar asked Ash “what is the name of the someone that you like?” and Ash smiled to Nomar then I answered “Chief Nikko” then he said “what is that really!?”. Then he asked me again “how?” then Ash answered  quietly “I don’t know. I think this is because of the previous owner of this heart!”.

Well Ash just smiled at Nomar again then Nomar said that he want to say it to  Chief Nikko but Ash did not allow him.
Ash didn’t know that Chief Nikko was already tell to Nomar the feelings he have toward Ash.

Twelve o’ clock and it was lunch time, the bell rings.  After that Ash go to the canteen immediately to have his lunch. 
After he eat his lunch  Ash saw “Chief Nikko” at the bench in ground floor talking with his  co- forest ranger.

Then the day was past and the evening was came, before I go to sleep Ash said “sana maganda araw ko bukas, magawa ko sana yung dapat kong gawin!” then I sleep.

Then Ash wake up and it was Tuesday he eat his  breakfast before he go to school.
Ash didn’t know that the breakfast he ate is bought by Chief Nikko for him.
Ash started his day with a big cute smile because he thought this was his lucky day after that Ash saw Chief Nikko again in Ash’s room  talking with his co- ranger.

The co- ranger of Chief Nikko , they were teasing him because of the humor.

While Ash walking, Chief Nikko went front  of him while smiling and Ash was smiling too.

Looking in Ash eyes and Chief Nikko  looking also to his beautiful eyes. Ash was  so nervous that time because I do not know what he going to do.

Then Chief Nikko ask him. “Ash, how’s your students'? Are they okey?

Ash:” Yeah they are fine”. Excuse me.

Despite thier  gender ,They really  understood that the world is made of love and it’s one of reasons that inspires mankind to live and create.

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