Chapter six- The Plan

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^^^^^That's for the end of the chapter^^^^^

Han and CJ were in the cop car waiting for the signal. They hadn't been sat there long when Mia told them to go. Han sped off making it to the main road. In the front Dom and Brian were pulling the vault, behind them was a hoard of cop cars.

Han sped up ramming into the back of one of the cars. CJ grabbed her gun, and rolled the window down, shooting at one of the other cars, she popped it's tire making it swerve and hit another car.

She noticed a car coming up behind them and quickly sat herself down bracing for impact. Han hit the brakes causing the cop to ram into the back of their car. 

"Your all clear on the left boys" CJ spoke into the walkie talkie. She looked to her right to see Roman ramming into other cop cars. Han and Roman tailed, Brian and Dom until they got to a intersection. 

"Thanks guys" 

"Anytime" Han turned left, speeding back to the warehouse. When they arrived, they saw Mia yelling at the computer and radio. 

"What's wrong?" 

"It's Dom, he let Brian loose but stayed with the vault" 

"He did WHAT!?" CJ's faced contorted into anger, she grabbed the walkie talkie and started yelling into it trying to get Brian or Dom to answer. 

"CJ we're fine, we're ok" Brian's voice came through the speaker, making CJ and Mia sigh in relief. 

"Oh I swear to god I'm gonna beat both of your asses when you get back" she dropped the walkie talkie and walked over to the couch. She sat down with a huff crossing her arms, resembling  a toddler who didn't get their way. Han followed her over and sat down next to her though before either of them could say something, Rico, Tego, Roman, Gazelle and Demetri had returned.

Demetri got out of the truck and ran over to her sister, giving her a hug. CJ assured her that she was fine, the two walked over to join everyone else, surrounding the vault.

A minute or two later Dom and Brian pulled up, Mia ran over giving them both hugs. When she pulled away CJ grabbed them both by their ears pulling their heads down, she started yelling at them in Spanish. When she finally let them go she pulled them into a hug, smacking the back of their heads. 

"Your not allowed to scare me like that again, ok?" Demetri laughed from her spot next to Gazelle finding the whole situation funny, especially the boys rubbing their ears and heads.

"Ok CJ" CJ walked back over standing between Gazelle and Han, she was nervous so she turned on the radio some quiet music playing throughout the building.

Tej got to work on the vault, doing tech stuff on the computer. He did the print scan and the vault clicked, CJ leaned forward slightly, her hand grabbing onto Han's wrist. Tej slowly opened the vault and the money came falling out, a bright smile was on everyone's face.

CJ stopped when she heard a specific song coming from the radio, she ran over and turned it up, 'Danza Kuduro' echoed through the room. CJ started dancing around, pulling Demetri with her. 

They danced around wildly, before they started to pull people into dancing with them. They first pulled Rico and Tego onto the 'dance floor', the two guys laughing and dancing with each other. Demetri moved to get Roman to join, while CJ got Tej. The men happily dancing to the music with them.

Brian and Mia joined on their own, swaying slowly to the beat. Demetri had pulled Gazelle and Han in and the pair danced together. CJ walked over to Dom bopping slightly, she grabbed his arm trying to pull him along, he just shook his head with a laugh.

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