Shoot or be shot

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A/N: There's some swearing in this chapter, and some sexual references. No smut though. (Yet)

-Roy POV-

Me and Riza have only just arrived when someone rushes in to my office. He salutes. I recognise him, he's Sergeant Danny Brosh. He looks like whatever he needs to say is urgent. "Colonel Mustang, sir! You and 1st. Lieutenant Hawkeye are needed for an urgent mission. The rest of your team is at the site." He says.

Me and Riza both stand up. "What's the issue?" I say. "I'll explain on the way, sir." Brosh says. We follow him out of the room, to where the military's cars are. Apparently, a group of people loyal to the previous President have been found, and are plotting an attack on Central.

Brosh leaves us at the truck, he needs to deal with other stuff. I'm not worried about this encounter. We've dealt with kind of things before. It is a shame though, I wanted to confess to Riza today. But the country comes first comes first, I guess.

I hope Riza doesn't overdo herself. She has to go easy on her back. I feel a pang of guilt. 

-Riza POV-

Roy is driving us to the terrorists' hideout. I'm annoyed. Like, sure, paperwork can be boring, but make a mistake in field work, and you can't erase it. I bite my lip. Field work always makes me a little nervous after the promised day. Actually, that's not true. Field work only makes me nervous if Roy's there.

I don't want to risk losing him ever again. I double check to see if I have enough guns+ammo. I should have enough, but I'm still nervous. Roy notices, and looks over at me in the mirror. "It's going to be okay, Riza. This will be a quick mission. In-out, ten minutes tops. Go easy on your back, 'kay?" 

I nod, trying to let his words re-assure me. But I can't shake the feeling that something awful is going to happen today. I try to brush off my nerves. Roy's probably right, today will go fine. We arrive outside the hideout. There's another car out front. Breda, Falman, Fuery and Havoc are waiting for us.

They salute as Roy get out of the car. "They're definitely in there." Fuery says. We walk up to the door. Guns raised, in Roy's case, fingers ready, we step inside the house. 

-Roy POV-

Something isn't right. We've barely taken 3 steps, before I hear a floorboard creak. I see a shadow. "There!" I yell, just as the barrel of gun is raised. I snap my fingers, and hear a muffled scream as the guy goes up in flames. 

"We need to watch our backs." I say. The others nod. The house is a hollowed-out shell, filled with crates, and hiding places. There are few walls in this place. The rest of the first floor seems to be empty. 

"Breda, Falman, Fuery, Havoc, You guys take this floor, and the backyard. The Lieutenant and I will take the second floor. When you guys finish down here, come upstairs." I say. The others nod. I head to the staircase, Riza follows behind me, her gun raised. We climb up the stairs, searching for any movement. 

When we reach the landing, we're met with a bad situation. "Shit." I mutter. Maybe 15 men are pointing guns at me and Riza. "Lower your weapon or I'll shoot." One of them says. Riza curses, but lowers her gun. We watch them waiting for an opening. 

"You took down King Bradley. You are a traitor to Amestris." One of the says. I resist the urge to spit on the ground. "Bradley was a homunculus, and was planning on sacrificing this country. He caused the civil war for personal gain." I say.

One of them laughs. "We all know about the lies you and that traitor Grumman have spread." I see a glint out of the corner of my eye. While the ones in front of me were talking, this guy had pointed his gun directly at Riza's chest. I see what's about to happen. and just as he pulls the trigger, I shift my weight, so that I'm in front of her.

The bullet hits me in the chest. The pain is overwhelming. I hear the guy re-loading. Need to keep Riza safe... I snap my fingers. I see the flames swallowing the guys. I hear the screams. I see Riza leaning over me. "Hold on, Roy." She says. All I can feel is pain, as my world fades to black.

-Riza POV-

Roy took a bullet for me. I curse his stupidity, as I grab him before he hits the floor. The terrorists go up in flames. I lean over Roy. His eyes close. I feel his pulse. It's a subtle change, but it's slowing down. "Hold on, Roy." I say. 

I take off my military jacket, tear it into strips. I wrap the strips around Roy's chest, trying not to cry. The other rush up the stairs. "Colonel!" Havoc says. "C-call an ambulance." I say, my voice trembling. The next few minutes pass by in a haze. 

Fuery runs to call the ambulance. Havoc and Breda pick up Roy, holding him between them. Falman helps me up, because my legs won't move. We wait outside, as the building goes up in flames. I can't take my eyes off Roy. 

The blood isn't spreading very fast, thanks to my jacket, but a dark pool of red is blooming over his jacket. My eyes are filling with tears. I'm his bodyguard, and he took a bullet for me. I should be the one... I won't say it. I refuse to believe that Roy Mustang is dying. He can't. 

Fuery run up to us. "I called an ambulance, they'll be here soon. How's he doing?" Fuery asks. "He's getting worse." Havoc says. I feel like everything that they're saying is a punch in the gut. I feel like I have to throw up. "Lieutenant, are you okay? Did they hurt you too?" Fuery asks. I shake my head slowly, because even though I wasn't hurt, I'm in the most pain I've ever been in.

Last night was nothing compared to this. The life is draining out of the love of my life, and all I can do is watch. I hear the wail of sirens in the distance, as tears stream down my face. Roy has to be okay. The sirens grow louder. 

The sun climbs higher in the sky, the clear sky sky unfit for what is happening. Fuery and Havoc try to comfort me, but I feel as if I'm watching these events play out. I can't move. I can't speak. I can't do anything. I see Roy's face get more pale, and feel blood draining from my own. I failed.

The ambulances arrive. The others head back to the trucks, I ride with Roy. A doctor lays Roy onto a bed, as the ambulance starts moving. He check his pulse. "His condition is deteriorating!" He yells. I take one of Roy's hands. There still warm. There's still hope. Tears drip onto his hand, as I sit next to him.

The doctors rush back and forth. I sit there, unable to do anything but cry and shake as Roy... I won't say it. He's not dying. I feel his pulse again. It's slowed down heaps. The ambulance slows to a stop. We've arrived at a hospital. The doctors get Roy, and load him onto a stretcher, racing towards the doors. 

I go after them. They take Roy straight into the operating theatre. The doors close. I sit down next to the doors. My shoulders shake, and I feel so helpless. I've failed. I've failed. Roy's going to die because of me. I resist the urge to scream. 

Hours pass. The others find me, and we all wait for him. They try to comfort me, but it's an impossible task. We sit there, waiting and waiting. After hours of waiting, the door to the operating theatre swing open. Roy is on a hospital bed. We all jump up.

The doctors take him to a room, but they don't let us in. We can hear some of what they're saying. Things like, "critical condition" and "It's up to god now." We wait outside the room. I feel numb and yet the most pained I've ever felt. The others don't say anything, but I think I see Havoc, an atheist, praying.

I close my eyes, tears streaming down my face. Please, I think, if there is a god, don't let him die. Please. I repeat the words, over and over, pleading to the heavens that Roy will be okay.

-Roy POV-

I wake up in a white space. It seems empty. I feel my chest, but there's no pain. There's nothing in front of me, only endless whiteness. A blur appears in front of me. It solidifies into a person. One I know all to well. "Hughes?!" I say.

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