Chapter 3: Dreams

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The world had a blurry look to it and I heard a song pulsating in the background, but I couldn't tell what it was. There was a white door in front of me. I opened and heard the first 3 notes of Voyager, also seeing some kind of pyramid shape in the distance before I snapped awake.

That was weird. I looked at my phone, seeing that the time was 10:59 am. I rolled off the mattress and dragged myself to my bedroom door. Hey,  don't judge me! I hate mornings!

I walked to the bathroom, slipping off my clothes and getting into the shower. I turned on the cold full blast by accident and I was awarded with an icy cold wake up call to my face. I jumped backwards and avoided the freezing stream of water before turning on the hot water. Oh well, at least I'm awake.

I showered and dried myself off, dressing myself in a T-shirt with a music note and skinny jeans.  I brushed the wet tangles out of my hair and bushed my teeth. At last I put on my make-up, but I just kept staring at myself in the mirror.

Nope. No matter how hard I looked, I wasn't beautiful. What I saw was the opposite of that. All I saw was a 26 year old depressed wreck who looked like she had never gotten a day of sleep in her life. Tears welled in my eyes, threatening to spill over my lashes at any moment. Before long, tears were streaming down my face. And all I could do was sob and whisper 'ugly.ugly.ugly'.

My trembling hand opened the cabinet drawer and fumbled around until my fingers found what they were looking for. I brought the razor up to my wrist, but I could only bring myself to cut twice. I sat there, clenching my hand into a fist. I dabbed up the blood and washed my wrist before getting a sweatshirt on. I dried my tears and re-did my make-up because my tears had done quite a number on my eyeliner.

I walked out to my box filled living room and sighed. I had a lot of work to do.

                                   *3 HOURS LATER*

I cracked my back and admired my new living room. It was hard work, but I'm glad I got the living room unpacked. One room down, four to go. I checked the time and read 3:30 pm. I called Guy and began setting up the keyboard.

"Hey Guy!" I said, trying not to sound too excited.
"Oh, hi Rose!" he replied. I could hear him smiling on the other end.
"Why don't you come over so we can start the lesson?" I asked, eager to see him.
"Ok! I'll see you in five minutes." he said.
"OK, bye!"

I hung up my phone and put it in my pocket. Just hearing his voice made my heart flutter. Soon I head a familiar car door shut. I opened the door before he could even knock.

"Bonjour belle." he said, smiling.
"Hi." I said sweetly. "And I'm sure that if I understood French, that was really sweet."
"Haha, I said 'hello beautiful.'"
"Here we go again." I said, rolling my eyes and laughing. We sat down at the keyboard as he looked around my living room.
"Did you decorate this?" he asked.
"Decorate what?"
"This." he said, gesturing to the room we were sitting in.
"Oh,  yeah. It was kind of rushed though. I did it in 3 hours." I said, shrugging.
"It looks magnifique." he said softly.
"Well, I'm guessing that means magnificent so thank you." I chuckled.

I played another sour 'A' chord, forgetting the hand position. He immediately placed my hands in the right place. I winced when he grabbed my left hand.

"Did I hurt you?"
"No." I said quickly.
"Are you sure?" he asked with concern. I nodded my head. He shrugged, seemingly unconvinced. We practiced and he taught me the notes on the piano as well as a little sight reading. Soon, four hours passed and my fingers were aching.

"Hey, we can stop if you want.  You're fingers look like they're about to fall off." he said, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"OK." I said, switching off the keyboard and massaging my fingers.
"Rose?" he said, eyeing my left wrist.
"Can I ask you a favor?"
"Sure, anything!"
"Pull up your left sweatshirt sleeve." he said simply. Oh God, anything but that!
"Umm, w-why?" I asked nervously.
"Just do it, please."
I sighed in defeat as I gingerly pulled the sleeve up my left forearm, revealing not only the fresh cuts, but all my scars along with them. Guy gasped a little. I opened my mouth to start the whole 'I don't need help' speech, but instead I started to cry. I hated crying in front of people. I just felt so weak when I did. Suddenly, I felt Guy's arms wrap around me in a hug. I hugged back, sobbing into his shoulder. He held me tighter and every now and then, I could hear him whisper 'shh' or 'it's ok.'

I finally calmed down and told him everything. How homesick I was, my depression, my lonliness. He sat silently, listening to every word.
"Rose, I want to do something for you." Guy said.
"That's OK, Guy. I'm not in the mood." I said glumly.
"Just hear me out." he replied, refusing to drop the subject.
"I'm listening."
"Daft Punk's Alive 2007 tour starts tommorow and I'm a nervous wreck. I want you to come with us." he said.
"Me? Why me?" I asked, puzzled.
"I-i'm just comfortable around you and I think you'll love it. Plus, we're going to Colorado, so you can see your family."
"Are you serious?!?! Yes, I'd love to go!" I exclaimed. I was so excited, I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

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