~ chapter 22 ~

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Tae pov
      I wake from my sleep as I was about to sit I noticed small hands around my waist

Tae: y/n /softly/


jimin: yeh you stupid strawberry why are we here!!?

Jimin come to me and ask me to spend time with him coz he's going to London next month. we made a plan to not let Jimin go so I bring Jimin to flowers shop coz I want to buy flowers for "seol hee" I hope she like them but Jimin questioning me as I bring him to flowers shop. coz he don't know why I bring him here.

Tae: I'm going to buy flowers. /smile/

jimin: Tae I know you love me but Tae I don't want flowers coz I'm not a girl ok /concerned/

Tae: *weird face* why would I buy flowers for a jerk. I'm going to buy for my seol hee /huge boxy smile/

jimin: *glare* a jerk friend also a jerk you jerk.

Tae: whatever /careless/

after buying flowers for seol hee. we both spend so much time as we didn't noticed that it's getting dark

jimin: Tae I think we should go now!!?

Tae: yes we should go or else grandpa will kill us

saying that we both immediately went to trainee building. we thought we won't get caught as always but today Ladyluck isn't our side. grandpa caught us

after his long class of scolding we finally out. we all drink " Ethan blue ". I don't like it but I have to coz they want us to be mature, strong and to be a multitasking person's. it's just make that person perfect. It was invented by doc.manoban...... he created this. It's illegal but in mafia world their is nothing like called legal and illegal.

but what next grandpa said made our heart ache coz he say he want jimin to go to London tomorrow.

jungkook: what should we do now!!?

Namjoon: we can't do anything kook.

j-hope: but we can't l___ /cut off/

suga: once grandpa decided something we can't do anything

jin: he's right. we can't stop grandpa and our plan won't go as we planed to.

saying this everyone went away with a heavy heart. yes no one want their friend go away from them right. but me and jimin didn't leave

Tae: I think we can't do anything!!!? /teary eyes/

jimin: yeah hey don't worry I will be back soon ok

Tae: *he said in a cheerful voice to make me feel good. yes I know him after all he's my soulmate. I smile* don't pretend jimin

jimin: *smile* oh yes what about those flowers huh?

Tae: I'm going to meet her in a hour but I will go now to surprise her /bright smile/

jimin: huh *dramatic* my heartu huh... how can someone stay alive after our strawberry's bright smile hmm

Tae: yeah *shy* I've told you to stop pretending

jimin: ok ok!! I think you should go now

I smile and leave from their as I take my flowers after some time I arrived to our place where we meet aften. yes it's a park. I started to look around to spot her. usually I text her when I arrive as she ask me to text her but today I won't coz I want to surprise her. I see a girl sitting on a bench. back facing me. I smile coz she's my seol hee. I take slow steps to her. I'm planning to close her eyes from behind but I stopped on my tracks when I heard her talking to someone on call

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