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Hey, emo boy
Hey, hey, hey, emo boy
Hey, emo boy
Hey, hey, hey, emo boy
Hey, emo boy
Hey, hey, hey, emo boy
Hey, emo boy
Hey, hey, hey, emo boy

    Vil was handsome and brooding. They, [Y/n], was a bright person who wore fluffy, flowy things and always had a bright smile on their face. Vil had a spark with them. He was brooding in the back of the café when he saw them. In a flowy uniform. They had a big grin on their face and a warm gooey double chocolate cookie in their hand. They were the antithesis of him. He looked down at his black notebook he was writing a love song in, and then looked at the empty table. "No one ever sits with me. Why.." His eyes watered.
 "Hey! You're Vil right?!" a voice came. It was like honey. Or a popsicle on a hot day. It was as relieving as getting to the toilet right in time for when you're about to crap your pants. Vil was enamored with the sweet voice. He looked up. 
    It was them.
They looked at each other and everything faded. "Hello?" They waved their hand in front of Vil's face. 

Saw this boy at the mall last week
Got the kind of look to make me freak

Vil snapped out of the trance and looked at them. "My name's [Y/N]! Nice to meet you!" they put their hand out for him to shake. His long slender hand [like the picture below] 

 His long slender hand [like the picture below] 

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 brushed with theirs. They were perfect in his mind. "Can I sit with you?"they asked sweetly. This time, Vil almost slipped up, and let out a quiet moan. [Y/N] looked at him with concern. "Are you okay? You made a noise I've only ever heard from a bottom." Vil's face heated up, but thankfully they couldn't see his creeping blush. Quietly he said "haha....imagine being a bottom...". 
"Oh, no it's not a bad thing. I was just saying..... I'm so sorry, I'm really awkward. I jus-"
"Don't apologize!" He quickly said, putting a long finger in their mouth. [Y/N] swirled their tongue around his finger. He took his finger out of their mouth. A long strand of saliva came with it. He quickly wiped it off and continued writing as [Y/N] enjoyed their cookie. 
    Two months later...
"This is so boring!" [Y/N] sighed, leaning back into their chair and trying to balance a pencil on their nose. Vil sighed and shook his head, his light blonde hair swaying. "Well, If you paid attention when the lesson was due, you wouldn't have to be here in the library with me. Now, sit like a proper person, fix your hair, and get to work." [Y/N] sighed and nodded. They sat correctly in the chair and looked at him with attention. Vil was shocked because it's usually really difficult to get them to sit still and pay attention. He usually gets sass. He just nodded and continued with his tutoring. 
    It was nearing the end of the study and Vil was about to call it because of the time. Nearly 6:00 at night. He looked over to [Y/N] who was snoring. With another sigh, but with a small smile, he picked them up. His hair brushing their face. He grabbed their stuff and walked to his dorm. His pants were so tight, it took him 20 extra minutes to get there. 
That long ass hair with the tightest jeans
[ Y/N] started to wake up, groaning. Vil hurried inside and set the beautiful person down and stared. What a beautiful sight to see. His amethyst eyes traveled their legs. 'I am not a pervert! Stop looking!' Vil thought. He was sweating so much he had to change his shirt. Going to his own room he ripped off his 'Sleeping with sirens' T-shirt and put on a new one. 
My Chemical Romance on his tee
He was clammy and pale at this point. Being in such close proximity with...them. Even though they had been talking for a while at this point, he still got nervous and shaky sometimes. 
He looks so sick like he was dying
(Back with [y/n])
[Y/N] woke up, eyes gently fluttering open. They were on a lavishly soft couch. It was purple with red accents. They felt so cozy. Safe. protected. It made them...wanna sleep more. The sound of converse hitting the marble floor made them jut up. They looked up at Vil. "How are you feeling..? You fell asleep really abruptly." Vil mumbled with a creeping blush. It was a bright red blush. Like hot metal. [Y/N] looked at him. He was standing on the opposite side of the couch, near [Y/N]'s feet. Immediately upon seeing it was only Vil, [Y/N] laid back. Their hair spread out around their head like a halo, head bouncing from how fluffy the pillow was. The deep sunset turned into night, illuminated their face with purple and pink light. Vil came closer. Inch by inch, shuffling across the marble floor. Vil wanted to sit next to them. [Y/N] moved their legs so Vil could sit next to them. Vil bounced as he plopped down on the couch. [Y/N] smiled innocently. Vil scooted closer and closer and closer. 
They were chest to chest at this point, just staring. [Y/N] cockily grabbed Vil's throat. 
If I said he wasn't hot, then I'd be lying
Please, handsome, don't be coy

Vil moaned again, but higher, and squeezed his thighs together. [Y/N] Being the teasing Top™ they are, leaned in and whispered.
"Common, fuck me emo boy."
 Vil's eyes turned dark and he smirked. He leaned back out of [Y/N]'s grip, slowly. Their smile faded. Vil smoothly slid off his studded belt. [Y/N] felt their face burn. He got on top of them and said smoothly, "What is love? Baby, don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more."

"I didn't know you knew Haddaway?" [Y/N] asked, sweetly. They were genuinely surprised about Vil being a top; he seemed too much like a pretty boy.

"Well...I guess I know more than you think..." He whispered seductively, leaning down to nip their ear. A quiet gaps came from underneath him. He kissed them like an idiot. Teeth clinked together. "OW! Vil...My cap.." he pulled away completely to see [y/n] holding their mouth. 

"Your cap?...You weren't wearing a hat before?" 

"No, you dunce... my capped tooth." {if you're not sure what a capped tooth is, look it up}

"oh, I'm so sorry..." he said, clearly upset. [y/n] pulled him into a hug.

[you're(mc) now talking with a whistle in your voice because you're missing part of your tooth] 

"It's okay...I still..Love you." 

they then commenced the devils tango and lived happily ever after.

the end.

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