Chapter 4: the day after

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Trigger warning:

- drugs

- alcohol

- gay tension (lmao sorry)

Stephanie's perspective:

I've been running for only seconds, but I already feel my body giving up. Everything hurts. Why am I even running? Where am I running to? What's the point. I sit down and look for a blunt in my bag. Oh wait, I smoked it all already. If I remember correctly, I still had some... Yes! I lift a tiny plastic bag from my bag. Four tiny edibles. My boyfriend gave them to me a few weeks ago. I take them in my hand and eat them all at the same time. It should be okay though, since they aren't that extreme.

After a minute I start to feel the effects. I get dizzy and my surroundings start to deform. Why do I feel so weird? I often take four or even more of these. James probably lied to me, ugh. I lay on the ground, crying. I don't know why. I'm not sad, neither am I happy. I'm just really sick. Then I hear a voice. ''Stephanie, Stephanie!'' The voice seems far away, yet so close. It sounds familiar. Who is it again? Oh yea, that Mia-freak. She shouldn't see me like this. Well, whatever. I'm probably going to die anyways. Kinda peaceful, I guess. Then everything turns black

Mia's perspective:

I run after Stephanie through the rain, she's quite fast. So, it takes a while to make it up to her, when I find her, she's taking some tiny candy like things. Judging from how disorientated she looks I'm guessing it's drugs. I quickly take a decision; I take her home again; she already thinks I'm weird anyway.

When we're back home, I lay her down on my bed. She seems asleep. Or passed out. I don't know. Jesus Christ, what did I get myself into. It's already late in the evening and I know I need to sleep, which means I'll have to share my bed with Stephanie. I look over my shoulder to see Stephanie curled up on the left of my bed. It'll be fine, I think to myself. After getting changed I lay down beside her, she's breathing heavily so I'm guessing she's still asleep. After a while our breath starts to sync, and I fall asleep.

I wake up to the sun shining through my window, dammit. Forgot to close the curtains. As I slowly wake up, I realize Stephanie is still lying beside me and I want to get up, but I can't. It's only now I acknowledge the arm wrapped around my waist, the warm breath against my neck and the warmth of Stephanies body against mine. I lean back as I'm panicking. Is she asleep? How'd we end up like this? God, I don't know. I feel her body move and her arm shifts to lay on my collarbones. I know I need to get out but for some reason I want to stay. I relax, I know I can't get out without waking her up, so I just stay. Time passes and I fall back in a light sleep.

I wake up again to see it's already past 8 am. Shit. School. I try to get out of Stephanies grip, but it doesn't do a lot. Stephanie wakes up with a small groan, I stay dead silent. I hear a soft "Hello" being murmured into my hair. Her arm shifts again, and I try to get out, but she stops me. Her arm wrapped around me tightly and her body still close to mine. I don't want to, but I feel comforted. A feeling I thought I lost when my mom left. I just lean back again. God, what am I doing? I know this is wrong, I know I should get up. I move Stephanies arm and quickly get out of bed. I stand beside the bed for a second and watch how Stephanie slowly moves. I run to my bathroom and lock the door. I hope she leaves. I hope she never comes back. Suddenly my legs feel weird, I crash down on the ground as I start crying. I hear someone walking down the stairs. I'm guessing that's Stephanie. God dammit.

Stephanie's perspective:

What happened? Why am I here again? Wait, did we just... My goodness, she's a weirdo. Then I remember everything. My pathetic life and everything that comes with it. I almost fall over from hunger. I guess I should eat. Dying by starvation doesn't seem pleasant at all.

I walk down the stairs to get myself some food. I open a cupboard to find nothing but empty beer bottles inside. It's depressing, honestly. I grab a half-empty bottle and start to sip. It's lukewarm but I'm okay with that. I just need a drink. Then I hear footsteps. It's Mia. ''Why did you bring me here?'' I ask with a soft voice. She hesitates for a moment but then says: ''What happened?'' I look down at the ground. She clearly doesn't like that, because she raises her voice: ''Why were you just lying there on the ground like a pile of shit?! And when I helped you, you just ran away like a little, ungrateful bitch!'' Now I get angry. ''You wouldn't get it, spoiled, little brat. Unlike you, my life isn't all roses and sunshine! My life is shit!'' It stays silent for a while. Then Mia speaks up. ''Roses and sunshine, huh? How would you know? My life sucks, a lot, but I don't waste it by doing drugs and getting myself beaten up. You are pathetic.'' I want to say something, but I can't. It's true what she says. I am pathetic. I am wasting my life....

''Now go eat something proper.'' Mia says as she walks up to the toaster and puts in two slices of bread. I take a seat at the table. We both stay quiet. After 5 minutes she puts a plate in front of me. There is toast, eggs and fruit. It looks good... ''Why?'' I ask shyly. ''Because everyone needs to eat, even people like us.''

Mia's perspective:

We're eating together at the dining table, in silence. I just spoke up to her, I thought it'd make me feel better, but she looked hurt. We're all alone in the house, my dad's gone off to get more beer or something. God, say something! "So do you remember waking up?" Jesus Christ. That's what I say? Out of everything I could ask! I feel her staring at me, but I don't look up, she'll notice I just cried. "I do." God, God dammit. I look up, I know I shouldn't but I couldn't read her tone, I had to see her facial expression. Our eyes cross and we stare into each other's eyes. She gives me a soft smile and I notice my face turning warm. I quickly look down to my half-eaten eggs. "I do, and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable" she says silently. "Nonono I liked it" I say quickly. I realize what I just said and freeze for a quick second. She lets out a small, almost unnoticeable giggle. "S- sorry, that's not what I meant!"

She laughs. She seems happy, happier than usual. Now that I think about it, she always looks somber. And what she said earlier, her life's shit? I don't know, my view of Stephanie has changed a lot in such a short time. Jezus Mia, don't get your hopes up. This is all going to be a vague memory tomorrow. Yet I can't stop thinking about the morning, our bodies close. Not saying a word yet having some sort of conversation.

I want to help her, but I know she doesn't let people in easily, so I say: "I don't know what you're going through but there's always people to go to, y'know?" She swallows the remaining bit of egg on her plate and says, "There's not." in a silent voice. "There's me...?" God, I'm so dumb, why would she come to me anyway? "Heh, I guess that's... True..."

She stays silent for a few seconds, then stands up, grabs her plate and walks to my kitchen. I follow her and sit down on our messy counters. "So, are you going to tell me how you ended up on the street like that?" Silence. Her head shifts from the empty plate to look me in the eyes. I only notice how tall she is now. Our eyes are at the same height and the counters I'm sitting on are already quite high. She moves closer and stands beside me, leaning on the counter with one hand. "I'm not going to tell you, it's not important anyway." She says, looking me into the eyes. I notice she's a little frustrated, yet I don't want to give up on finding out yet. "It's okay, I'll listen, even if it's not important." She gets angry and steps in front of me, she stands up straight making her look even taller. I want to move back but the mess on the counter doesn't let me. She grabs my hair from the back of my head and moves her head closer. She opens her mouth to say something but closes it before any words can come out. My panic fades into something I can't name, and I feel Stephanies hand let go of my messy red hair. Her hand hangs in the air as she looks at me. I realize how close we are and feel my face turning warm again. She moves her hand and places it beside me. Neither of us say or move anything. I want to say something, but I don't know what. There's so much to say yet so little needs to be said in this specific moment. God, I want something to happen, doesn't matter what, just something!

Then we hear a door open. It's my dad. Stephanie quickly steps away as she murmurs "I should get going." She grabs her shoes, passes my dad and steps outside. I hear a last "Bye" and then my dad. I hear bottles clang and move back to my half-eaten eggs. I swallow the cold egg yolk and realize; this wasn't what I meant with 'something' Something else, anything! But not this. I hate my dad. He ruins everything. Always. I kick our table and run after her.   

It's okay to not be okay - a lego friends Mia x Stephanie fic [Discontineud]Where stories live. Discover now