Chapter 6: actions

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Trigger warnings:

-fluff UwU

-self harm

- abuse

- mention of blood

- mention of self-unaliving

Mia's perspective:

We've been walking for a while now, I can't believe we just ran away. I've only missed one class in my whole time at school, and it was because I got beat up. Now I'm holding Stephanies hand, guiding her through the woods. We're heading to my hut, since we didn't have a lot of options, I decided this could be fun. "Where are we going?" Stephanie asks. "Just, just a place of mine." She hums. I look behind me to see her smiling. Enjoy the morning sun, she smiles softly. I smile back. When I look back to the road ahead, I notice we're almost there.

My hut is located at the side of the woods, giving it a view over flat lands, hills and some small standalone houses. I always wanted to live in one of those houses when I was younger. "We're here" I say and I let go of Stephanies hand. I feel slightly disappointed. I look to see Stephanie amazed, "It's beautiful" she says. "Thanks- I built it here because of the view so-" My face turns warm again as I watch how Stephanie looks around, I don't try to hide my pink cheeks, there's no one anyway. I grab pillows and a blanket for us to sit on from my huts inside area. "There" I say while creating a comfortable sitting spot for both of us on the small porch.

When we're both seated Stephanie asks: "Did you built this all by yourself?" "Not all of it, when I was younger, I found an old structure of what must have been the original hut. Over the years I rebuilt it in to what it is as of right now." Stephanie seems amazed. "Wow... You're a really wonderful person..." She says quietly. "I'm sorry for being so shit to you for all this time..." I need a moment to process what she just said. It all went by so quick; I can't comprehend this well enough. God Mia, react or something. What do I react? Is there even a proper reaction for this? Stephanie seems to notice my thinking and says; "I know it's a lot, I am an unreasonable person, so you don't have to forgive me. I understand that." She tries to give me a comforting smile but I can see she's holding back her tears. I know she means it and reach out my hand. "It's okay, friends?" Stephanie doesn't grab my hand; she rushes to me and gives me a hug. When we part our eyes meet and I notice I'm not the only one with a warm face, Stephanie's cheeks are bright pink. She quickly pulls up her hood and says "Thank you, but yesterday hasn't been too well for me... I'm really tired so, is it okay if I take a short nap?" She does indeed seem tired. I wonder what she's been through, besides the drug use. "Yea, of course that's okay, go ahead." I answer. Stephanie lays down and I get up, maybe there are still flowers that haven't been destroyed by the rain.

I'm working on a white-red flower crown when Stephanie wakes up. "Hi" she says in a sleepy voice, I smile softly. Her eyes shift to the half-finished flower crown in my hands, "Did you make that just now?" I nod my head and Stephanie shifts closer to study my process. She's close and it makes me unable to concentrate. I drop the flower I wanted to braid in, we try to pick it up at the same time and our foreheads bump against each other. I move back with my hand on my forehead, letting out a soft "Ouch" "Oh shit, are you okay?" Stephanie asks while moving closer and looking at me like I just fought a battle. "Yeah of course, don't worry silly!" I smile softly and chuckle. She doesn't move back when I pick up the flower and continue the crown. "Wait" Stephanie sits up in front of me and grabs my hand with the flowers still in it. "Look, it'd be better if you..." Stephanie corrects a mistake I made in the process, she doesn't let go of my hands yet. "How'd you know that?" I ask, "I used to make flower crowns a lot when I was younger" She finishes the crown by tying the end and puts it on my head. My face turns warm again, I hope she doesn't notice. "It suits you, you look pretty" I sit silent for a second while Stephanie studies my face with a soft smile. I put my hands in front of my cheeks while murmuring "Stop it" She lets out a soft laugh and moves my hands away, I feel her hand cupping my head in it. Suddenly, I notice the tension, why'd I only notice it now? Stephanie's looking at me with a look I've never seen before, it's not angry or stressed, it isn't exactly happy either. She opens her mouth to say something but closes it again. "What is it?" I ask. "C-can I..." She doesn't finish her sentence and looks down, ashamed. For a moment I'm confused, then I get it. "I- Wha-" I can't speak anymore; I need to say something. But what? Do I want that? I can't tell, I'm confused about a lot of things when I'm around her and I hate it. But will I regret this if I don't do anything? She looks back at me and our eyes meet, she's taller so I need to look up slightly. I feel her breath against my skin, a warm feeling in the fairly cold forest hut. And before I get a proper grip on the situation, I feel warm lips on mine, Stephanie's body closer than it's ever been. Her hand still on my jawline, holding my head steady. I don't pull back. I've never been touched liked this and I only realize what I've been missing now. Her other hand wraps around my waist and she shifts a little closer. I close my eyes and let it happen. She's gentle. Our lip's part and we stare at each other, the hand on my jaw shift to move a strand of lose hair behind my ear. She lets her hand rest on my chin, moving my head up a bit to kiss me again. Her other hand now slips under my sweater, laying on my stomach now. Deu to this is let out a small gasp, making my mouth open slightly. Stephanie takes this as an opportunity to slide her tongue in my mouth. I panic. I liked it before but this... I like it but it just feels so wrong, so, all of a sudden. I pull back and our lip's part again. "What's wrong?" She asks. "I- I'm sorry I just... Thought we went too quick or something-" She smiles and pulls me in for a hug. "That's okay don't worry" I feel like I'm going to faint. This went too quick for me, God this is all wrong. 

It's okay to not be okay - a lego friends Mia x Stephanie fic [Discontineud]Where stories live. Discover now