Lokius (Fluff)

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Loki x Mobius

The god of mischief, the adopted son of Odin, the prankster, the god of lies — Loki Laufeyson went by many names. The raven-haired god didn’t mind them, he couldn’t care less about them. Except one. 

“Good boy.”

That was the name Mobius called him. The gray-haired, charming, fun, kind, generous man who was now his boyfriend. Ever since he ended up in the TVA, he couldn’t help but feel alone. He didn’t have his annoying brother to play pranks on, or had his mother to confide in. He wasn’t surrounded by the familiar walls of Asgard anymore, and that made him lonelier than ever. He wanted to return home. He even missed his brother — well, slightly. 

Yet, somehow, Mobius had made him feel otherwise. Like there was someone standing by him — someone to remind him of home. That mop of gray hair that sat on the man’s head and the ridiculous brown jacket that he wears everyday. Loki just felt peaceful with him. Calm — almost familiar, but Loki and Mobius had never seen each other before in their lives. 

Now, the god was very fortunate to have this beautiful man as his boyfriend. Mobius had saved Loki from being pruned, and had offered him a job when the god was being the most disrespectful and mischievous person in that office. God, he just loved that man. Mobius even went out of his way to explain to Ravonna about the god’s behaviour at the Renaissance Fair. He didn’t know why he would do that, but he did. 

And Loki was beyond touched by that. 

So, Loki had decided to surprise the man for his upcoming birthday. The two had been together for a few months already, and they knew each other inside and out. However, their life inside the bedroom was much wilder than outside. Outside, they were just a regular, fun couple who threw popcorn at each other in movies. But the bedroom was completely different. Mobius dominated the bedroom. He was controlling and powerful and domineering, while Loki was rather shy and demure and submissive. 

That was a word that Loki would never use to describe himself. Never. 

Now, he would gladly call himself that just to see a smile on Mobius’ face. He somehow found out that he enjoyed being praised and enjoyed seeing the wide, proud smile on his boyfriend’s face. He would do anything to see that. Anything to please his partner. 

And Mobius loved administering praises to his boyfriend too. He enjoyed seeing the blush creep up Loki’s pale face every time he called the god a good boy. That name would send Loki into a blushing mess and a shy smile would appear on his face. It wasn’t rare, but Mobius couldn’t get enough of it. They promised that they would only do this in the bedroom. Outside, they were normal. Completely normal. 

So, now, Loki was pacing around their tiled floor of the living room, a brown, velvet box in his hands. His green eyes darted around whenever there was a sound — even if it was a slight thud or a soft shuffle. He would stop and look up from the floor before continuing his pacing. Saying that he was nervous was an understatement. Loki was mentally prepared to snatch a TemPad from Mobius and transport himself to a whole-ass different dimension if Mobius said no. 

Suddenly, the soft, familiar jangle of keys could be heard and Loki immediately snapped his head up before his eyes widened. It was now or never. He sucked in a deep breath before pushing all the air out, and he repeated it a couple of times. Soon, Mobius was in the house as he closed the door shut. “Hey, baby.” The man smiled and draped his jacket onto the coat hanger. 

“H-Hey, Moby.” Loki stammered, giving a weak smile. 

“What’s up? Why are you so nervous? What happened?” Mobius’ face contorted into one of worry and concern, as he quickly approached the god, placing his calloused hands onto Loki’s shoulders. 

“Nothing, nothing happened.” Loki replied, looking down at the box in his hands. “I-I just wanted to wish you happy birthday, but I don’t know whether you would like the gift that I prepared.” 

“Oh, sweetheart,” Mobius sighed, smiling at Loki, who blushed slightly at the pet name. “I would love any gift you gave me. I promise.” 

The god sucked in another shaky breath before handing the box to Mobius. The man opened it gingerly and gasped as his eyes widened. “Holy shit.” 

“D-Do you not like it? I can always change it. You know what, this was a dumb idea. Do you have your TemPad with you? I wanna-” Loki started rambling when he saw his partner’s expression, only to be cut off when Mobius kissed him. He pressed his soft lips against Loki’s chapped ones, savouring the taste of his boyfriend’s mouth.

Once they pulled away, Mobius grinned. “How…how did you even get this?” he asked. 

“I used one of your TemPads to bring me to New York and I went into an adult store and bought this. Then, I reset the timeline and then got back here safely.” Loki admitted shyly, avoiding Mobius’ gaze, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. 

“Wow. I clearly underestimated you.” Mobius said in awe, still unable to believe that Loki actually went out to get this. 

“Wanna put it on me?” Loki asked, biting his lip nervously. Mobius smirked and nodded, and within seconds, Loki was on his knees in front of Mobius and lifted his head up a little to give access to his neck. Mobius then picked up the leather collar from the velvet box and wrapped it around the god’s neck before clasping it at the back, making a soft, satisfying click sound. 

The dark green leather stood out against his porcelain skin, the moveable d-ring pressed gently against his neck. There was even a custom tag that Loki had asked the man at the adult store to do. The metal tag had the words “Mobius’” on the front, and Loki’s name on the back, showing who belonged to who. 

“This is the best birthday present I have ever received in my whole life.” Mobius breathed, setting the velvet box on the bed, before taking a seat on it. Loki still remained kneeling, enjoying Mobius dominating him. 

“What a good boy you are,” Mobius grinned as Loki’s breath hitched. A rosy blush coated the god’s face and neck as he smiled shyly and looked down, embarrassed at the praise. “Thank you for doing this for me.” 

“Thank you for accepting my gift,” Loki smiled, looking back up as he stared straight into Mobius’ kind eyes. “I love you.” 

“I love you more.” Mobius smiled. 

Soon, the two got into bed, clearly exhausted from the day’s activities. The god sleepily leaned his head against Mobius’ strong chest, clutching a pillow at the same time. The man chuckled, wrapping his arms around Loki’s torso, one hand weaved through the god’s hair, the other stroking his back. Loki hummed contentedly, purring like a kitten as Mobius brushed his fingers through his hair, his eyes falling shut. 

The two slowly fell asleep, with the dark green collar still wrapped snugly around Loki’s neck.

(a/n: hey guys, sorry this is kinda short. i'll try to update the other stories soon)

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