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Worried about losing her only friends, worried about their reactions.

"Let's go," Sofia said in a trembling voice, heading for her dormitory.

On the way no one dared to speak, but Harry cautiously approached her and took her hand to comfort her.

" Why are you alone? " Ron asked as they entered his dormitory.

"Long story..." said Sofia as she sat down on her bed.

"Where do I start..."

"I was born in an orphanage, since my childhood I grew up with Mike who was my best friend," said Sofia in an increasingly trembling voice.

"At the orphanage you should know that the housekeeper is very strict, she often gives punishments."

"From the age of two, whenever I didn't behave properly, I was locked in the closet... there, things were done to me," the girl said as a tear ran down her face.

"What kind of things?" asked Harry gently, and Sofia simply lifted the sleeve of her sweatshirt.

"Oh my God!" exclaimed Hermione distraught, as Ron looked at her displeased.

His friends' eyes began to glaze over, but mostly Harry had to restrain himself from letting the tears stream down his face.

The boy said nothing but hugged her tightly, trying to take in all of his best friend's pain.

"But it was all right there was Mike... "Sofia said in a cracked voice as numerous tears now flowed down her sweet face.

"Why was he there? Did you two fight?" asked Ron.

"Mike died," said Sofia with a blank look.

"The dissenters came and sucked his was too late, I acted late" said Sofia continuing to have a blank look on her face.

"Acted?" asked Hermione gently.

"What did you do Sofia"

"I sent the dementors away, they got pulverized."

"How?" asked Ron and that's when Sofia returned to the real world.

"And that's where Dumbledore's speech comes in!"

"Do you remember the night we just arrived at Hogwarts, when Mc Granitt called me to go to the headmaster?" asked Sofia and her friends nodded without Harry stopping stroking her back.

"He explained everything to me."

"I'm descended from two important families, the Aries and the.... Black"

"Black? You mean Sirius Black is related to you?" exclaimed Harry, it couldn't be that someone as sweet as Sofia was related to a murderer.

"I don't know if I'm related to him, the fact is that I inherited my powers from my father!" said Sofia becoming serious.

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