012 ;; new girl

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Music played loudly, echoing off of the walls throughout the room, followed by when bright lights turning on, springing awake all of the contestants who've fallen asleep. [Name] groggily opened her eyes, her limbs stiff and sore from an uncomfortable night of sleep. She rolled her neck to the side until she heard the satisfying pop, relieving the tension in her joints as she brought her hand to gently rub her throat.

There's a bruise there, isn't there?

She shuddered at the previous night's events as her droopy eyes then hazily glossed around her group, awaiting for her drowsy perception to clear up. "Sir," she heard Gi-hun speak, causing her to cast him a glance in curiosity. She noticed him send a worried gaze to the elderly male while she huddled further into her blanket. "Did you stay up all night?"

"I was afraid they might attack again," he answered honestly as the music slowly faded out.

"You must be so tired."

"I'm fine," he reassured. "You don't sleep much once you get old. I wasn't much help, so the least I can do is stand guard." Gi-hun huffed before the music began blaring again.

"The third game will begin momentarily. Follow the staff's instructions and process to the game hall."

Four guards made their way to the center of the room, positioning themselves next to each other so the participants can line themselves up in front of them. [Name] pursed her lips in habit before slowly getting to her feet, alongside her group.

"Welcome to your third game." The remaining participants entered into a large, blinding white room. They were led down the stairs and onto the ground level. [Name], who stalked behind Ali, examined the area with bewilderment. "This game will be played as a team. All players, please divide into teams of ten. You have ten minutes, ten minutes. Let me repeat. This game will be played as a team. All players, please divide into teams of ten. You have ten minutes, ten minutes."

The timer began counting down as everyone scattered to assemble their teams. [Name] chewed her bottom lip, glancing back and forth between her group of 6 as she stood beside Sae-byeok, their backs leaned against the nearest wall.

"If the game is played by teams of ten," Gi-hun begins pondering out loud, looking at Sang-woo, "maybe it's Tail Tag or Why Did You Come to My House. If it's Tail Tag, we need to be fast. If it's Why Did You Come to My House, it's just Rock Paper Scussors. What should we do?" he asked Sang-woo.

"We already have an elderly man and two women," Sang-woo says, "so the rest needs to be all men."

"What if they make us play Elastics or Gonggi? Women are better at those," Gi-hun argues as Sae-byeok and [Name] cast questionable glances towards one another.

"That's true, but probability-wise, men are better at most games," Sang-woo snaps. "We're betting our lives right now. Which side will it be?" The group stays silent. "We just need four more people. We should split up in pairs and try to find at least one guy each.. you two could look together," he glances at the two women, who each send him back stoic stares.

Sae-byeok instantly begins walking away without another word. [Name] tilts her head in a questioning manner before quickly following in pursuit, not bothering to look back at the group of males. "Hey, wait up," she calls and the other woman slows her fast-paced walking, allowing [Name] to catch up with her. "Thanks," she sends a grateful smile once she stood at the other's side. "You're quite fast."

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