013 ;; tug-of-war

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Please, not me running out of chapter titles.
Also, I'm lacking the motivation to write at the moment, I've hit a slump.. so updates may become slower and more sporadic. I'm sorry. I love you all. I'll be inactive on this account for a short while (2 weeks at max), but if you wish to reach out, my Discord is velvetie#4707
See you guys soon!:)

[Name] dragged her feet along the floor, dreading every single second of this slow, antagonizing torture as she and her team made their way to the destination. It truly felt as though she were being put to death by public execution- which was definitely in the ballpark of what was occurring, except she gets a chance to fight for her life. It took every bit of her willpower not to have a full-blown panic attack just at the height alone... dealing with tall structures definitely wasn't her thing.

On their way, they passed by Deok-su's team, the leader taunting them with a Cheshire-like grin. "What a shame. I wanted to kill you guys myself," he chided. No one retorted and instead kept their gazes ahead, except for Mi-nyeo, who glared at him up until he was out of her peripheral vision.

They enter one-by-one into what appears to be an elevator, [Name] glancing at the guard before stepping inside- it's not like he'd be able to save her again, not when it involves her whole team. She gnawed on her bottom lip as she stands next to Ali, nervously staring at her feet. The elevator shook before it slowly began to ascend them to their platform.

"Don't be discouraged," said Number 001, who noticed everyone's frightened expressions. "Tug-of-War isn't just about strength."

"Then what?" a newcomer snaps. "Can we win by talking?"

[Name] sends him a harsh glare, of course, she understands the stress, but being rude to your own teammate during a life-or-death situation is an ugly thing to do. "With Tug-of-War," 001 continues, "you can win with just strategy and teamwork."

"The only one who can save us now is the Lord," the other male newcomer states, causing 240 to tilt her head curiously.

"You're barely standing, old man," the man from before scoffs. "Stop talking nonsense and save your strength."

The elder hangs his head down in shame. "Save your fucking strength," [Name] then scowls as she steps forward, glaring daggers into the man's eyes. "Just because you're a man doesn't mean you're useful. For all we know, you could be the weakest link," she pokes his chest harshly.

Gi-hun grabbed onto [Name]'s arms and pulled her towards him, hushing her. "Wait a minute," he says, glancing at the man. "Let's just hear him out."

Number 001 gives grateful looks towards the two who stuck up for him. "I've done my share of Tug-of-War in my hometown when I was young," he elaborates, "and I rarely ever lost. Even when there was a ssireum athlete on the other team, putting the odds very much against us."

The elevator halted and the ten members were lined in two rows of five, waiting for the doors to slide open. They hesitantly began stepping onto the platform.

"Listen closely, and I'll tell you how I beat them back in the day."

They all began getting shackled to each other and the ropes, the metal being tightly secured around their wrists, and [Name] cringed at the pain soon to come from those things.

"First off, the leader is very important. That person gets close to the face of the opposition's leader. and the rest of the team looks at the leader's back. If the leader seems weak or disspirited, then the game is already over."

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