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Leo felt as though he'd been falling for hours, finally landing on his knees and retching, sure he was going to vomit.

Stumbling to his feet, Leo looked at Terra who was smirking down at him, clearly trying to hold in their amusement.

Leo caught his reflection in a mirror behind his companion and the ghost of himself stared back.

'Would you like some water?' asked Terra.

Leo nodded, too scared to speak in case he was sick. Another person who he hadn't noticed was there handed him a plastic cup of tepid water.

'Thanks,' Leo murmured, taking a sip.

They were in a small, windowless room. The third person introduced themselves as Nova and directed Leo into a chair. Nova sat opposite him while Terra remained standing, their presence giving Leo a sense of security.

'Welcome, Leo,' Nova said. 'There are two questions you must answer before you can enter your new home.'

Leo nodded and took another sip of water, his stomach still unsettled.

'First, once you join us, you may never return to your old life. This community we have built is a well-guarded secret, and it must remain that way. We have rules that we all live by, and you must abide by these. This is your permanent home now.'

Leo felt a wave of sadness wash over him. He'd thought that perhaps he'd be able to see his dad again one day.

'Do you wish to join us, knowing that which I have just disclosed?' Nova asked.

'Yes,' Leo said.

'And now you have a choice. We can erase all memories of your life so far, freeing you of your past and allowing you to move forward without regret or remorse. Or you can enter as you are, always knowing what it is you've left behind. Would you like us to erase your memories?'

This was unexpected and Leo frowned up at Terra, annoyed that they hadn't prepared him for such a monumental decision.

Sure, there were huge parts of his past that Leo would like to erase from his mind; witnessing his mother's death, enduring years of bullying, watching his dad become a shell of who he once was. Years of loneliness and self-pity.

But to permanently erase the memories of his parents entirely was unthinkable. Surely it would change him at the core if he couldn't remember his childhood or the people who had brought him into the world.

'No,' Leo said. 'I can't do that.'

Nova nodded. She was emotionless, her aged face still as she looked up at Terra and said, 'All done here.'

Leo followed Terra out into the warmth of a summer's night. They'd walked only a few paces towards a large fountain, when something knocked Leo off his feet.

Landing on the cobbled ground with a thud, Leo swore loudly as he sat up and cradled his left arm.

'Stop!' Terra shouted, their voice exploding through the still air around them. It was terrifying.

Leo followed Terra's gaze and saw a boy, frozen on the spot.

'Come to me,' Terra demanded.

The boy turned around and swaggered towards them, seemingly unbothered by Terra's sheer dominance.

He was wearing a plaid shirt over a white tee-shirt, with jeans and white Converse. Leo cringed. The boy could have easily been one of his former bullies.

'Jude,' Terra said. 'What are you doing here?'

The boy shrugged. 'Curious,' he replied. Then he looked down at Leo, whose arm was throbbing.

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