Brothers Stick Together.

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(Andy's Pov)

Today I was going to surprise my brother with a visit. We use to be really close, I remember.


It was my first year of highschool, I must admit I felt scared. What if Noone like me because of the way I dress? Or look? Or sound? I was walking besides my brother who was wearing as usual, black sunglasses. He always said it was cause his eyes attracted to much attention.

We parted to go to our designated classrooms. Science, maths, English and history went past really slowly. Bell ringing signalling the beginning of lunch. I was wondering if I will find any friends. Getting lunch I sat quietly in the corner, I scanned the room and saw my brother siting on his own glaring through his glasses at anyone who passes by.

Finishing my lunch, I went to my locker. As I was walking down hallway, an older kid smashed me into the locker. I closed my eyes expecting more, but no I opened my eyes and saw my brother half chocking him. "If you ever fucking touch my brother again cock sucking bastard, I will personally deal with you." he said harshly "Do you understand?" the guy cowered in fear and nodded.

James let go of the guy, and he fled as quickly as he can. "If anyone bothers you tell me." he whispered in my ear and I nodded smiling. He just scrowled in return, I take that as a sign of love. Leaving I continued my who highschool years with no one bothering me.


Yes, I remember. Not noticing that I drove past his house, I continued driving. Then I got to a dead end making me notice that I drove past. Turning and parking in front of the house. I got out and knocked on the door twice, he flung the door open and glared down at me surprisingly he wasn't wear his sunglasses. "What do you want?" he questioned.

"Can't I visit my favorite brother." I pouted. "I'm your only brother fucking dumbass."
"But I love you!" I wrapped my arms around his and hugged his skinny form. He stifled and did nothing in return. Another sign of love, he didn't fling me off. Letting go he finally let me go in. We sat on his sofa then I spoke up "I want you to come on tour with us," my heart was pounding, scared of rejection. "Okay." My eyes widen not expecting that at all, a grin slowly made its way to my face.

"YAY, THEN GET READY WE'LL PICK YOU UP TOMORROW!" I was jumping up and down like a boy who was on sugar rush. Looking outside I noticed how late it is, "Andy stay it's not safe." James spoke up. "REALLY I CAN STAY!?" I shouted in total surprise "Yes but if you don't stop screaming I'll kick you out."

"Okay," I said, he got up and I followed. He opened the door to a beautiful room, with black and red as the theme. "This will be your room, the bathroom is fucking down their," he pointed in the direction of the bathroom. "And you can borrow my clothes," he left me to get some clothes. Sitting on the bedding debated whether I should tell the guys or not.

Jumping in surprise when something hit my face. I looked and saw it was clothes and James stood at the door. "If you need anything you know we're to find me," I nodded.

I got into the black sweatpants and a black Nike shirt. I bet he never wears them just has them. I put on the black hoddie that he gave me feeling a bit chilly. Getting into being feel into the best nights sleep I've had since ages.

(3rd person Pov)

James sat on his bed, James has a really bad case of sleeping disorder. That he only sleeps ever three days after tyring himself with excessive exercise. Yesterday he slept, so no sleep tonight. He sat there thinking about things, he usually does something now but he doesn't want to wake Andy.

It was now early morning and he was still sitting there wide awake. He got up and went to his walkin wardrobe. First, picking his black skinny jeans, then a t-shirt with "GO FUCK YOURSELF BITCH' on it in white. Then he went to his oh beloved sunglasses section. People may think they look the same, but they don't. To James anyway. He picked out a pair and put them on.

Taking the glasses of he striped in the bathroom and took a well deserved shower. Getting out he got his clothes on, and walked out with soaking hair. Going to the kitchen, he did his best attempt at cooking and pop in some pop tarts into the toaster.

He left the toaster on for... A hour. Andy got up smelling smoke, he rushed to the kitchen and found the toaster on fire with a James not to be found. Panicking he got the fire extinguisher and put it out. Two pop tarts popped out and Andy was rolling around on the floor, laughing.

He got up and went to James' room. "JAMES YOU BURNT THE POP TARTS!"

"A WHOLE FUCKING HOUR NO WONDER IT WAS ON FIRE!" James flung the door open "Now bastard go get ready and come help me pack." Andy went did his stuff and got back into the sweatpants and t-shirt.

Andy opened the door and saw a James sprawled across the floor flicking through his phone. "Okay, let's do this!" Andy said enthusiastically. James grunted in return. Opening the doors to James' closet, Andy picked the clothes and James was packing his ALL sunglasses in his special sunglasses suitcase.

When Andy saw James' suitcase, he was like "Seriously you have a suitcase for them."

"Fuck off and continued working." Andy continued packing the things that he likes and shove them in a suitcase. "Andy didn't you say today was the fucking tour shit."

"FUCK I FORGOT YES THEY WILL BE AT MY HOUSE IN 30 MINUTES!" Andy and James zipped the suitcases, grabbed a few monsters for breakfast and shoved the suitcases at the back of Andy's van. "I'm going to drive." Andy gulped and reluctantly agreed, then both quickly buckle up. James got a speeding ticket and some other stuff on the way, but they got there in time.

While James unload his stuff, Andy went to get his stuff. They were both standing at the door, with their stuff breathless. Then the tour bus pulled up, and the other four tumbled out to greet Andy. "Andy you got a bodyguard." Ashley laugh and the other joined in. The 'bodyguard' glared at them through his shades.

Laughing nervously, scared that James will rip them into tiny pieces. "No this is my older brother James." CC, Jake and Jinxx stopped laughing remembering the stories Andy told them about James. But Ashley could careless and continued laughing. "I see your a fan." James spoke up. This silenced Ashley "A fan?"

... To Be Continued.

Cliffhanger, no? Hope you like the first chapter and please feel free to comment, about how awesome (sarcasm) I am at cliffhangers.

Hopefully, I will be updating next week. Thank you for reading and see you next week.

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