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selected [EMERY].

emery held her azure binder close to her chest, pushing past the people in the halls. she was very tired from today's lecture. her teacher had the habit of talking for decades about small things nobody cares to remember, since most of the time it's not even important. plus, there was something bugging her.

"hey em! beep beep, haha.." once she had exited the gates, a car beeped at her and of course, eden beeped their car horn at her. they beeped a few more times.

"emery!" eden shouted again. emery sighed before hopping into the car, shoving her binder underneath the seat. eden started the car, humming a song.

"hey eden..?" emery dragged, nervously playing with her fingers. eden looked up from the steering wheel.

"what's up?"

emery took a glance to the side.

"i don't know why, but lately i've been seeing a lot more ghosts..."

eden laughed, straight their tie in the car mirror.

"actually, espers tend to see a lot more supernatural creatures when they are reaching a peak moment in life. i'm assuming yours might be that you're graduating soon?" eden sounded unsure, but seemed pretty sure about the whole 'espers seeing supernatural creatures' thing. emery sighed. she didn't think it was that she was graduating. is there any other life-changing things she is doing soon?

"don't get too hung up on it. although, i would be careful. supernatural creatures are usually... not very nice. they're even worse in other countries though, so travelling won't be something too fun after you graduate. oh well, let's head to that new chinese restaurant i was eyeing up earlier." eden turned the ignition and started the car, emery watching the clouds outside. what was her peak moment in life?

espers; people who possess super powers, basically. it is believed that some are born espers and some are blessed with the gift of powers from one of the enidurian gods. some people even went to schools to learn how to become an esper but the likeness of success was very low. a scam, really.

enidura was a beautiful country. it was one of the masses of lands that populated the earth. there were 3 countries all together. enidura, home of the god afanc, cheinton, home of the god dullahan and then orthix, home of the god kelpie.

the gods used to rule together in harmony and there used to be many countries, hundreds even, but one day the god kelpie had lost their temper with the god afanc. the god kelpie flooded the seas with seaweed and salt, clumping islands together with the sea of rage and washing them away into three different areas.

they declared that each god had their own land to rule over with their own rules. this started a war that lasted centuries. some areas still battle over their old land but it's really pointless.

back to the original point, emery was born with her powers. but with so much power in her hands, there was no way this was just a lucky incident. there had to be something more.

"hey emery! snap out of it!" emery jumped out of her seat. she looked at eden, who seemed equally as shocked as her. they pointed out at the windshield.

"i think you're gonna wanna see this..."

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