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selected [EMERY].

emery has barely woken up before she had been dragged forcefully out of bed, unaware of even the time.

"come on em, we have a job to ace! and money to ste- earn! and ghosts to fry!" eden cheered as they pulled her into the kitchen. they took a disgusted look around.

"you should really get a job so you can look after this place."

"i do have a job. i just haven't been able to work because you've needed my help so much recently..."

"...well, i pay you very fairly when you do jobs for me. you should stop spending all your money on going out to restaurants and stuff then." eden shoved a bowl of frosties across emery's kitchen island and threw along a spoon, signalling her to eat it. eden only ever forced emery to eat food when they had a very long job ahead of them.

emery groaned in annoyance, dipping the metallic spoon into the bowl of cereal. in the meantime, eden has turned on the tv and was already ignoring emery. they avoided emery's couch with caution before sitting on the floor next to it.

"my apartment isn't diseased, you know." emery grumbled. she didn't like it when eden disregarded the effort that she had put into maintaining her apartment. it wasn't her fault she hadn't been able to work properly, it was eden's.

"that's what you think." eden rolled their eyes before they returned to the tv.

gripping her spoon, emery slid off of her seat. she shoved the bowl and spoon into her sink, strutting over to eden.

"where are we going?"

still watching the tv, eden replied.

"there's a ghost outside your door."

"...what?" emery rushed over to her door, opening it hurriedly. and there it was, a ghost.

he was a neon blue glow with a dark blue.. swirl for eyes? pink circles on either sides of his cheeks and a triangular mouth that made him look like he was in a constant state of happiness, which contrasted with his swirls for eyes that made him look like he was in a constant state of confusion.

"hello! my name is cadell, remember? i'm the ghost who put a note in your door and will be assessing your order since the 'green sky' wants me to keep a watchful eye on you two trouble makers!" he had a very cheery voice, which wasn't surprising considering his appearance.

confused, emery squinted her eyes at the ghost.

"uhm... okay... would you like to come inside?" she asked generously.

before emery could even process what happened, cadell flew straight through her and into the living room.

"oh my god." emery sighed heavily. an overwhelming feeling of seasickness washed over her for a millisecond before she returned to normal. do ghosts also feel sick when people walk through them?

apparently not, if anything it seemed the other way around. looks like eden and emery me shared favourite show had lied.

oh well.

"why did you let him inside the apartment?! now he's gonna hoard your cupboards and eat your curry! this is awful!" eden ran to the kitchen and grabbed the nearest fork, flinging it at the ghost. the fork went straight through and into a wall.

emery sighed.

"cadell, can you not spy on me or whatever you're supposed to be doing? i value not being stalked quite a lot." she gestured to the still open door, telling the ghost to leave. but ghosts are famously persistent.

"sorry, but i have a job to carry out!" cadell remained where he was as emery slammed the door in frustration. why did she have to be an esper? ghosts start to get annoying after a minute.

"hey, we still have a job to do! it's a six hour drive so i recommend stocking up on stuff." eden said nonchalantly.

"what?! but what if i have stuff to do? i cant just throw away an entire day!" emery argued as she walked up to eden, who was back to watching tv. they shrugged.

"actually, it'll probably take two days."

"i have uni tomorrow!"

"just take a day off."

"why cant you do it? you're supposed to be a lot more powerful than me!"

"that's the problem! it'll kill anyone near me, i don't want to murder our clients! plus, you can think of it as a nice little vacation. it's near the countryside in a tourist destination."

emery quietly sighed, approaching her bedroom.

if she was going to go on a trip for so long, then she'll at least make the car ride comfortable.

"i hope this will help with my report-"

"shut up, cadell!"

"yeah, shut up ghost thing!"

|| EMERY AND EDEN VS. THE WORLD ||Where stories live. Discover now