25 year old vampire katsuki falls in love with 23 year college student izuku midoriya as izuku makes a deal with katsuki to be his food supply for him keep his life , as katsuki starts to love the little greenett.first part comes out tomorrow enjoy...
i woke up a little early so i went and took a hot shower and eat some breakfast and but on my uniform i headed to class to see the deku squad.hey guys i said ,the group said hi deku kun/midoriya.do you know a new club opened said uraraka,no not really,well there is a party happening tonight ,ok and its not like were going right guys guys... we cant go we will be in so much trouble,but think about how much fun we will have tsu said ,and it doesn't matter were going any way uraraka said, ok but how are we going to get out of the dormitory without getting seen todoroki said, don't worry about that ida said ...........................................later that night
this is what deku is wearing.
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*Izuku's pov*
I was waiting for them to text or call me then i heard someone quietly shouting my name i went on to the balcony and saw them on the ,izuku jump todoroki said , what i'm not jumping im on the second floor, just jump , uraraka said i jumped and then coat me with her quirk ..........at the party , hey don't take any of the pills here said uraraka all of them separate ways deku walked out of the club completely drunk and walked into a aly way and some one with red eyes walked up to him . who do we have here as he licked his lips.
guys i'm going to end it here i tried to make it long episode so please leave a vote and comment and tell me if i spell their names wrong bye my beautiful audience <3.