Out for some coffee

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It was around 9 o'clock in the morning when I finally finished decorating my art studio. I had been up all night making sure j had everything and moving it just down the street from my apartment in China town New York.

I have lived in New York now for about a year so I pretty much knew my way around and where all the cool shops were.

I had always wanted to live in a big city ever since I was younger. I currently just worked on my art and I enjoyed selling it to tourists. I didn't make much money but it was enough to get by until I can find a job. I am an excellent makeup artist;) I love making people look anywhere from amazing to horrifying.

I had recently been laid off my last job for some kind chessy talk show my brother convinced me to apply for. It was horrible needless to say and the people treated me like dirt saying things like "you didn't get this side enough" "do you do you're own make up cause honey it looks like it needs some touch ups"

I never let it get to me though because well they were all must I say typical "talk show hosts".

As I walked down the street with my white low top converse, dark skinny jeans, and a nice baseball t, I was more than ready to get my coffee and start this stupid job search.

When I walked into the small coffee shop just outside my apartment. I was more than happy to see that there were only a few people there.

I walked up to the and greeted the lady with a smile and a simple "good morning". When I was done ordering I waited patiently fiddling my fingers and tapping my them on the counter.

Just then I heard the bell of the glass door noticing a man walking in. I didn't pay much attention just turned around and continued to wait patiently.

The man ordered and was now standing waiting near me waiting o. His order. I continued to ignore him.

Just then the lady placed my coffee on the table and as I went to reach for it so did another hand.

It brushed against mine slightly causing me to look you. Then man had a slight smile a grey polo shirt with a black tie , jeans and a pair of Ray bans. Can I just say he looked more delicious than the cookies that were in the glass container right in front of me.

He then simply said "I think you have my order" with a little chuckle.

I looked up slightly confused. " no I order black coffee no sugar"

He smiled " great minds think alike."

I let out a small chuckle.

He the looked at me and his smile grew even wider. " norman"

"Abbey" I smiled back at him.

He then grabbed his order and as I was about to walk away he asked "would you like to sit with me?"

I looked back and nodded with a smile.

"So do you live in New York" he asked

I nodded as I told a small sip of my still hot coffee.

"How long have you lived here" he then asked.

"About a year or so. I have an art studio a block or so away from here." I said continuing to drink my coffee.

" that's is awesome I. Actually do a little painting and such here and there but I'll defiantly have to check your stuff out.... Uuuuhhhh if you don't mind" he said seeming kind of awkward and embarrassed but I found that cute.

"I wouldn't mind I would actually be more than happy to show you" I said. He then looked up at me with a smile.

We went back to chit chatting about what I did and I explained the whole make up artist and how my last job went which he said "assholes" and we laughed about.

When I asked what he did he had a very confused look on his face. Which caused me to wonder if he wasn't comfortable answering the question. But then he said.

" oh I am well.... I am an actor I'm certainly working on the walking dead right now. And I like to direct, and do all that art fun stuff, oh and I take a lot of pictures of weird stuff like road kill." I laughed at the last one.

"The walking dead that's that amc show right?" I asked

"Thats the one" he said with a slight grin.

"Well that sounds like it would really fun. I heard it was an amazing show maybe i' have to get around to watching it." I said with a smile

He then looked at this phone "shit, I'm so sorry I have to go I'm late for a meeting."

" It's fine don't worry about it I understand" I said kinda sad that he had to leave I was really starting to like him.

He then turned around before leaving handing me his phone at first I was confused "just put your number in I'll call you" I smiled

Handing him his phone back he gave me a quick hug.

"See you around, Norm"

He nodded with a cute little smile that made my heart flutter.

I had just met this man. What the hell is he doing to me?!?

Hope you like this cute little chapter it's about to get a whole lot better promise

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