The Slayer vs The Hunter

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The rest of slayer team was going back to the farm to see if the others are doing okay. They have a long day for tomorrow to figure out the child come from. They saw the farm up ahead so they continue walking toward it until the slayer feels something is off. "Wait..." Slayer said. "Hmm? What's wrong?" The priestess said. "...." Slayer know one thing, he alway have his friend who wait for him in front of the house. Now she's not there and Goblin slayer sweat a bit due to not seeing her. "Something isn't right..." The rest of his friends were confused but they did not know it was too silent and quiet. "..." Long pause with only the wind blowing. Before one of them say something, they saw a flashing light appear from the roof and a net show up with electricity. It definitely stun the lizardmam out of nowhere as he was pin down and out cold. "THE FUCK?!" The dwarf did not see that coming there were not even a casting spell or words. The elf that was holding the child didn't even hear it coming, it was too sudden.

"W-what is going-?!?!" Before the priest says anything, she felt something sharp on her neck. At 1st it was some sort of knife but she took it out thinking it could be some sort of arrow but it wasn't. A-sharp object that's small then her hand. She was okay but she felt sleepy and pass out on the floor. "Hey...!" Slayer run up to her trying to see if she was all right. There were no poison so she seem to be okay. The elf girl slowly run away and put the baby on the floor next to a rock. She try to hide him from the enemy. She took out her bow and stand behind the slayer like they were watching each other's back. They can't see anything, it was so damn dark there were no sign of goblins. Slayer knew those goblins will laughter or make noises but this is definitely not a goblin.

"What do you think Slayer?" Elf asked. " it's not a goblin's doing but it could be assassin however he didn't kill us...wait..." He look around and realized the dwarf was gone. He was just there a minute ago but now he's gone. "Hey?! Where the hell is the fatass?! Oi! Drawf where are you?!?!" Again there were no response as everything seem to be silent until they saw something from the shadows almost like heading towards them. "Gey ready!" She was ready to aim the arrow on to whoever attack them. Before she can release it, the dwarf show up but all beat up almost like he was attacked. "Eh?! Drawf!" When the elf sprint toward the dwarf, slayer realized something was wrong and tells her to stop until it was too late. A man with a shiny armor shows up behind a dwarf and slowly stun the elf making her fell on the ground.

"No!" Slayer take out his sword and ready to to attack the strange man but this man was a human not a goblin, dark elf or orc. Just a man with a strange armor. "Who are you?"
"None of you're business...I'm here to take the child." Goblin slayer rise his sword. "The child? What is you're goal?" He said.
"...not sure...but...I want that child back. I could either bring you in warm or bring you in cold." He slowly put his hand on his gun while the slayer stand his ground. He's in his entire life he never face a human. Monsters is one thing such as goblins and other creepy demon forms but human? No...he can't kill him. "..." He want to talk about it but he probably think he'll never listen. It was a moment between 2 legends until one of them make the 1st move. Slayer was about to charge him until a red flashly light came toward him. "!??!" He roll around trying to dodge every of those red magic toward him however he never expect him to have such a magic. Is he a warrior or magic caster?

The slayer need to get close to him. The mandalorian was shooting his laser and surprised at this guy is that this guy was dodging his blaster. He got close to him and swing his sword at his chest plate but it made a clank noise that it didn't went hurt him. "What?!" Mandalorian slowly kick the slayer away from him until slayer manage to knock out the blaster from his hand. Slayer need to do is by go for the neck. He doesn't want to know what hes going to do with the child maybe kill him perhap so he has to stop the mandalorian. Mando wasn't going to give up because he slowly take out his flamethrower and burn half Slayer cloths. "?!?!?" That moment slayer didn't expect him to have such fire spells but he did even cast a spell. What kind of stranger is he or human? His slayer remove half of his armor and piece of cloth away from his body. He's fine but lost half of his armor and cloth. The hunter slowly take out his rifle the disintegrator. The goblin slayer never seen that type of weapon before it looks strange. With every swing that he has, the blade make impact to the rifle but didn't break. It was too hard as they both fight each other until the slayer felt electric shot when he get hit by the tip of the spear. It didn't kill them but it give him a electricity shock.

The goblin slayer try to do anything he can to loose Mando balance. He was about to do tricks up his sleeve until he saw Mamdo aiming his weapon at him. Slayer believe that this weapon was a staff. He must be using a magic to kill him. Slayer take out some small daggers from the sleeve and throw at the mandalorian. It did hit him but not too deeply as Mando fell down shot the rifle from his gun and disintegrate a cow that was nearby. The slayer saw the cow disintegrated lefting cloud of ash and smoke only the horns are left. It's like the cow just teleport, what kind of weapon such existence in this world. But he didn't have time to think about it he charge at him again until Mando slowly release a swarm of missiles at the slayer. It hurt him pretty badly as he was hit in different directions and slowly fell on his knee while breathing heavily. The mandalorian slowly stand up and starts kicking the slayer in the head.

"Ack!" Slayer wasn't going to give up yet, he slowly got up and prepare his fist combat as they begin to throw punches at each other. The slayer did his best punch the armor but it was so damn hard and easily break his hand if try to punch harder. His mando was punching the slayer but he also have a problem with the armor that he had. Mando starts punching him in the guts, shoulder, and even his knees. Slayer did his best to punch every week spot, he did punch Mando neck and side of his body. It seems that it works but men do still keep going as they both wrestle on the ground. All you can hear was the noise of metal getting punched and grunting of pain. They did their best until mando slowly remove the slayer's helmet. His slayer was bleeding from his mouth and tried to fight back while the rain starts to pour down on them. Slayer tried to fight back but the mandalorian was so expert on fighting. He dealt with anyone amd species of aliens that try to kill him. The mandalorian slowly punch the slayer's face again and again and again. His slayer was all beaten up and bleeding from each part.

"Ahhh...ghh...." Slayer was breathing heavily while he look at him. The hunter slowly took out a blade that is vibrating and aiming at his neck. The goblin slayer was too weak to get up. He remember a situation like this when goblins thought they took victory, he dealt with people who got cocky but with Mando there was no match. When Mando was about to kill him, a green hand slowly press against the hunter's hand. It was Grogu, For the 1st time in his life, he saw the baby crying. He can feel the fear and the emotion of the baby telling him not to kill Goblin Slayer. "...." The slayer look at the baby and notice that it save his life again until Mando stood up and got off of him. Mando nod his head only slowly walk up to his blaster and stun slayer. Everything went black for few hours until he hear noise of muffling. "Slayer-sama!" The goblin slayer slowly wake up and saw his friends looking at him with smile on their faces. "Mando!" Athe 2 girls, the elf and the priestess slowly hug him with tears in their eyes knowing that he been fuck up. "W-what happen?" He was in a farm that he was in. The cowgirl smile with a soft warm welcome. "'re in our home...Grogu save you're life." Slayer was confused. "Grogu?"

"Its the child." The goblin slayer saw the bounty hunter lean down on the wall. "You..." Mendo got off the wall and walk toward the slayer's friends. "I told them my purpose of taking that child back and I tell them of its name. Grogu..." The goblin slayer saw the child eating some piece of cookie and he was surprised at the goblin like that thing just thing just say save him. "I see...thank you." If he remembers correctly, his body was badly injured from every attack from that stranger. He look at the princess thinking that she probably heal him. "You heal me?" Goblin Slayer said. "No...he did." She point at the child. "W-ha?" Drawf smiles. "You should have seen it! I thought it might eat you but it just slowly put his hand on you and you're body was fully heald!"

"Yes...It was almost like it works for the gods but it's not." The golden slayer has so many questions about this child. What the heck is this thing. "So...what are you here and what is you're name?" Slayer should stay focus on one important question. "I am Din Djarin. The Mandalorian." It seems that everyone was confuse about what does that mean. "Mandalorian? What's that?" Elf girl said. "We are one of the ancient way of the Warriors. From a galaxy far far away." They were confuse but notice word galaxy. "Galaxy you mean space?" Cow girl said. "Yes...I'm not from this world, I'm from a Galaxy far away from this world and now I'm here to take the child, my ship off this planet. But I need the materials in or for us to get out of here. You're planet is lacking on technology which means I have to find someone or something know about shipment." Mando said. "Ship...wait are you from the gods?!" Lizardman said. "God? No." Mando said. "But...I just need a materials if I can get some help. I should apologize from a long time ago, I have misjudge all of you. I thought maybe you're here to kill the child and and I have to kill all of you to get Grogu back." Mando said. "Yeah...almost! But still you're combat was very interesting. I never see anyone has that before especially elf, orcs, demon's or heros have that." She said. " know you cannot forgive me for what I've done....." He bow down. "But..."
"But?" Slayer said.
"I need you're help."

Gobling Slayer and The Wandering MandalorianWhere stories live. Discover now