Chapter 0.0 - Luka Biondi

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I am Luka Biondi, a 17 year old boy, of average height, mixed skin, wavy hair and caramel eyes color, or at least that's what they always say about me.

I study at the "Rosales" high school, which is the best in the city, and even in the country, the subjects are easy for me and the stress is very little in my opinion; I have been in their institutions since I can remember, it's quite comfortable, as cliché as it may sound. I consider it as a home or something like that. However, my social life.... well, I have Javiera mainly ha ha, my best friend of all my life, and my sister Paola, although I don't see her very often. I don't think I have more friends, but at least I'm not a social outcast, sinking into loneliness and that, no, people come up to me for a favor or something temporary, but nothing more. The truth is that I'm fine like this, it's not that I have much to lose in this life.

My family is pretty simple I think, my parents obviously, and my sister, of course I have uncles, cousins and maybe even nieces and nephews, I'm not sure, there are a lot of them and I haven't been able to meet them all yet.

As my father is the head of our family, the Biondi's, also owns the family factory, Arxia, a name I have never found a good meaning for, but it's one of the most well known, it is in charge of manufacturing all kinds of clothing of all kinds for any style, I don't know if I keep talking like this about myself or it sounds like I am bragging, but seriously I'm not ha, ha, ha, I wouldn't do that for a general description like this.

A secret taste I could have would be puppies, especially dachshunds, they are very soft, their little long bodies and little paws are just adorable, very adorable, too bad my mother and sister are allergic, they don't come by the house much but I still can't have one as a precaution.

If you are wondering if such a wonderful person like me is dating, as a relationship, the answer is too simple, no, having a boyfriend is not even in my most secret plans, it's something quite overrated, I would say and the reasons are very... complex... Besides, you have to give time to that kind of relationship, at some point you get hurt whether you want to or not. We should have fun whenever we can, no strings attached, pure freedom.

I'm not the typical person who says "oh no, I don't want any of this", when I haven't even tried it, maybe I've been close but the end comes and that's how things are, I know myself, and I know that if I propose to have something like this, I won't be able to control it, it's a power I don't want to give to anyone.


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Special thanks to "Someone" for help me with the translation of today's chapter🤍

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