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Keith woke up in a cold sweat. He had just had his 5th nightmare this week. He shook the nightmare away. He sat up and pulled his covers off going to stand up but soon realized he needed to catch his breath. After he finally did he stood up and got in his normal clothes. Black ripped jeans, a dark gray t-shirt, and his cropped red jacket.

Keith's room was very plain and bare. He had a desk in the corner with an alarm clock on it. And he had a calendar hanging on the wall but that was about it. All of his personal items were hidden in the drawers. Growing up he moved around a lot. After his dad died he went from one bad foster family to another. And after a while, he had grown accustomed to keeping his stuff packed ready to move on. He knew the moment that he unpacked his stuff that he would have to leave and he really liked it here so he wasn't going to jinx it.

After putting on his clothes he read the alarm clock. 5:30. Keith wasn't usually up this early, in fact, no one usually was, but he had already given up on sleeping so he made his way out the door. On his way out he glanced at his calendar and finally the realization dawned on him.

It was the anniversary of his father's death.

His breath hitched. He couldn't believe he had almost forgotten. That explained the nightmares, especially the one he had this morning. His mind flashed to his dad's burned body covered in flames.


Keith and his dad were eating dinner when they heard a scream. His dad stood up quickly to see what was happening and saw their next-door neighbor's house covered in flames. 2 parents and one child stood outside screaming and crying. "Our son is in there," one of them shouted. Keith's dad being the brave fireman he was, ran in there without any equipment. "NO" Keith screamed, running closer to the house. After about a minute he saw the silhouette of his dad running out holding a kid to his chest. He threw the small child to Keith when a beam cracked and fell onto his dad. Holding the kid close Keith cried, staring at his father's dead, burning corpse.

End of flashback

"Ughhh" Keith sighed out loud. He hated today. It was 5 years ago but it still stung. After that day he became more impulsive and easily ticked off. He had a hard time getting close to people scared that they would leave him. The last time he got close to people was Shiro and Adam. After traveling from foster home to foster home Shiro became a real mentor to him. At the Garrison Shiro took Keith under his wing and after a couple of months, he and Adam welcomed Keith into their home. They got really close those next couple of months. Then Shiro left and "died". It broke Keith. Another person he loved died.

He and Adam comforted each other but then while on a flight Adam's cruiser malfunctioned and Adam died in the explosion. After that Keith refused to get close to anyone again even after he found out Shiro never died.

Keith had not realized that he had made his way to the kitchen but he did. He made himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table staring off into space. He thought about how exactly a year ago he had done the same thing. He had been completely alone that day. Both Shiro and Adam were gone so he sat on his house's front porch sipping on some coffee he had made. That day had been miserable. But today wasn't like that day. He had people to confide in. People to talk to and tell them how he was feeling. But was he going to do that? No, of course not. He was the loner. The guy that did not have feelings. The guy that always had a straight face.

He stood up after realizing he finished his coffee. He decided to go to the training room and let out some steam. He had been up for about an hour so he still had a bit until the others woke up.

"Computer activate training level number 23" He wanted a level to let out his frustrations but something not too hard if he lost his focus. He activated his bayard and began slicing up robots left and right. He split the last one directly down the middle then looked up to see Shiro in the doorway.

"Hey, Keith you're up early," He says with his signature smile on his face.

"Yeah just..couldn't sleep" Keith replied looking down.

"Want to talk about it?" Shiro asked, taking a couple of steps towards Keith. He was using his more worried voice now.

"Uh well..." He stopped for a second, taking a deep breath. "There isn't anything to talk about." He told himself not to look up. He knew the moment he did he would give himself away. Trust me Keith has been to his fair share of therapists and he sure didn't want to go through something like that again.

Shiro sighed, the smile falling from his face slightly. "Look Keith," he said walking to Keith and putting his hand on his shoulder. "You need to let people in...look I know I left you down once but I'm not doing it again. Now please tell me what's wrong"

Paladins, please report to the bridge.

Allura's voice ran out throughout the castle. Shiro sighed. "Look Keith this conversation is not over" Keith finally looked up and locked eyes with Shiro. They ran up to the bridge of the ship meeting up with the rest of the paladins.

"Suit up and get to your lions we need to get ready for attack"

a/n hey y'all should I continue this story or what bc I have some ideas I just don't know if I should continue or not. 

WC: 1018

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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