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Drip. Drip. Drip.
I watch dazedly as tiny water droplets fall from the tap in the bathroom sink due to the loose faucet handle as I lay in a heap on the cold tiled floor.

The bathroom door makes a soft creaking sound signaling my mother entering the confined space.

I felt a light kick on the side of my abdomen.

My head lolled to the side weakly so I could see her face.

"Oh, good you're alive the wedding is in two hours I expect you to be ready by then or you will suffer the consequences," she scowled down at me.

I scoffed, "Wow love you too mother."

She had an unamused expression on her face at my response.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course mother I'll be all dolled up in time for your matrimonial celebration don't you worry that pretty little face of yours," I said which caused her to glare at me. For a second, I thought her eyes would just explode from how hard she was glaring.

"And at least look presentable and be cordial to the guests we don't want an incident like last time. And for Merlin's beard Astro get your arse off the floor," she said furiously.

Merlin's bloody balls she could be so temperamental sometimes like lady chill out a little am I right. And I don't know what she's going on about I'm always bloody friendly to our guests.

"I'm not lying on the bathroom floor on my own accord. And if I'm being honest, mother it's kind of your fault really. This curse was supposed to be cast on you not me," I rolled my eyes as if it was obvious.

I didn't miss the flicker of fury in her eyes uh oh.

She grabbed onto my upper arm forcefully pulling me up off the floor that will definitely leave a bruise.

She practically dragged me out of the bathroom and shoved me. I braced myself for the impact as my body hit my bedroom floor.

"How dare you speak to me that way," she said while narrowing her eyes into slits.

"I'm sorry mother it won't happen again," I said lying through my teeth. If there's anything I'm brilliant at it's lying I'm just grateful that my nose doesn't grow each time I lie like Pinocchio. Actually, scratch that lying isn't the only thing I'm good at if you know what I mean.

She scoffed, "it better not, or else you'll be going back into the dungeons where you belong," she said as she scurried out of my room.

"How lovely," I mumbled sarcastically at her retreating figure.

It was now approximately 2 pm and most of the guests have arrived. They were all chatting amongst themselves.

I observed everyone from my position on the roof of my lovely abode. I get a great view of everyone making fools of themselves occasionally.

I used to sit on our roof all the time back in France with dad and Cepheus my twin brother to gaze up at the stars.

Dad used to believe that stars were openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.

I never truly believed in all that stuff since I'm an extremely practical person. That all went out the window a year ago.

His words have been imprinted into the depths of my mind. I just can't seem to forget them, nor do I want to because they make me feel closer to him now that he's gone.

I spotted my soon-to-be stepbrother Blaise Zabini chatting with his group of cronies.

As if sensing my gaze on him he looked up at me with a small smile and waved. Which gained the attention of his friends who looked up at me as well. I returned the kind gesture.

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