Her Point of View
I really can't forget what happened earlier.
I had a dream where a kingdom exploded. It was so annoying because it felt real.
Why am I dreaming about that? Triplets? Who are they anyway? While walking, I found myself in the village of my mortal enemy, and there...
I saw Zera, ugh.
I saw how she put Badong, was it Badong to sleep. What an ugly name, eww. But this Lesbian Zera never fails to amaze me.
I suddenly felt like fighting her again, and I grinned at the thought, haha.
But before that, I want to introduce the beautiful me, and if you don't care, I don't give a damn.
So I'm Airylle Vedison. I'm alone in life because my parents died in an accident. Don't pity me; I don't need your pity.
That was nine years ago when I was still an only child. I have my own apartment and now I'm on my way to the restaurant where I work as a waitress. Do I care if I'm just a waitress? Tsk.
I have an inborn tattoo on my wrist, which puzzled me as to how I got it, even my parents couldn't explain why I have it.
It says "Redson."
Weird, right? It looks like a name, but I don't know where it came from. When I asked my parents about it before, they just smiled.
Oh, by the way, I'm also a famous TikToker and vlogger, so I have many fans, haha. But it's a secret. And no, I'm not kidding. I use different wigs.
My real hair is blonde, but my waitress wig is dark brown.
Are you wondering how I can keep up with Zera? It's because I'm a licensed professional trainer in taekwondo, hapkido, aikido, and many more...
I'm also a dance instructor, a genius in that too. All of this is a secret.
And I have a darkest secret. Wanna know what?
SECRET!! Haha.I'll tell you next time. As I was walking, an old woman weirdly stared at me.
Someone bumped into me, quickly apologized, and left.
I looked back at the old woman, but she was gone?
Where did she go? Creepy!
"Almost there, prepare yourself, you will accept it, only then will your true life begin," whispered a voice from somewhere.
What the! My hair stood on end. There was no one here
I ignored it, thinking it was just my imagination, and arrived at the restaurant. A woman dropped something, and I picked it up to find the owner.
It looked like she was going to eat at the restaurant. Being the nice woman that I am, I approached her.
The sun was high, and she was still wearing sunglasses.
"Miss, you dropped this," I said, placing it on the table.
The woman took off her sunglasses, and that's when I recognized her. Wow! I didn't expect to meet her.
She is Zarri Xemisha Fordalish.
Who wouldn't recognize her? She's a famous model and chef! She's also the owner of this restaurant.
I've heard she's very smart, but I noticed her cold eyes and expression. No wonder people are staring at her; she's very fashionable.
"Thanks," she said curtly.

REINCARNATED SERIES 1: Mafia, lesbian And the Tiktoker
FantasyIn the human world, Zarri Xemisha Fordalish was a renowned model and chef, secretly ruling as a mafia queen. When betrayed by her boyfriend with her family favorite cousin, she sacrificed herself to stop an out-of-control ambulance, reincarnating as...